With the prior transformation formula, one could apply Bayesian imputation under the normal linear model with normal inverse-gamma priors. This holds for both the prior information about the distribution of the data (e.g. location and scale of variables) and the scientific model (e.g. ...
p53 is a key tumor suppressor that protects cells from transformation by inducing cell cycle arrest and/or apoptosis [19]. Emerging evidence suggests that p53 also has a major role in embryonic development by modulating cell differentiation. Indeed, increased p53 activity is incompatible with normal ...
A logarithmic transformation was used to improve the normality of plasma chromium distributions. The dose-response relationship for T2DM was estimated by applying a restricted cubic spline regression model with 3 knots at the 5th (1.58 μg/L), 50th (3.82 μg/L) and 95th (8.43 μg/L) ...