square,即距離越遠, 所受輻射便會以倍數遞減。 legco.gov.hk At 1700 hours, an armed terrorist group opened fire on the Suryan Square checkpoint operated by the law enforcement forces in Qatana, injuring one man. daccess-ods.un.org 17 时,一个武装恐怖团伙在 Qatana 向执法部队负责管理的 Suryan...
law of inverse square n. The principle that the intensity of radiation is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source of radiation to the irradiated surface. The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by ...
The Moon-Test in Newton's Principia: Accuracy of Inverse-Square Law of Universal Gravitation. Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 44, 147-190.Aoki, S. (1996). Corrections and additions for “The moon-test in Newton’s Principia : Accuracy of inverse-square law of universal gravitation”...
Just like all electromagnetic radiation, RF is subject totheinversesquare law. deloittetmt.com deloittetmt.com 就像所有的电磁辐射一样,射频 遵循平方反比定律。 deloittetmt.com deloittetmt.com Response Equalisation is done by filtering the time signal of a transducer bytheinverseofthe frequency response...
Just like all electromagnetic radiation, RF is subject totheinversesquare law. deloittetmt.com deloittetmt.com 就像所有的电磁辐射一样,射频 遵循平方反比定律。 deloittetmt.com deloittetmt.com [...]scale, as some Member States’ shares went up or down, others’ shares would also decrease or incr...
Just like all electromagnetic radiation, RF is subject to the inverse square law. deloittetmt.com 就像所有的电磁辐射一样,射频 遵循平方反比定律。 deloittetmt.com [...] scale, as some Member States’ shares went up or down, others’ shares would also decrease or increase in inverse proporti...
Just like all electromagnetic radiation, RF is subject to the inverse square law. deloittetmt.com 就像所有的电磁辐射一样,射频 遵循平方反比定律。 deloittetmt.com [...] providing frequency selective observation results – and the calculation of further hydro specific characteristic values. voith...
Just like all electromagnetic radiation, RF is subject totheinversesquare law. deloittetmt.com deloittetmt.com 就像所有的电磁辐射一样,射频 遵循平方反比定律。 deloittetmt.com deloittetmt.com [...]preference for local satellite operators, we believe that they will recognise the benefitsofanopenmarket...
Just like all electromagnetic radiation, RF is subject totheinversesquare law. deloittetmt.com deloittetmt.com 就像所有的电磁辐射一样,射频 遵循平方反比定律。 deloittetmt.com deloittetmt.com [...] for Adjust Color that enable you to invert layers, applyinversegamma correction to photographic ...
Just like all electromagnetic radiation, RF is subject to the inverse square law. deloittetmt.com 就像所有的电磁辐射一样,射频 遵循平方反比定律。 deloittetmt.com Although some data have suggested a possible inverse association between serum vitamin D levels and the incidence of upper respiratory ...