The meaning of INVERSE is opposite in order, nature, or effect. How to use inverse in a sentence.
1.Something that is opposite, as in sequence or character; the reverse. 2.MathematicsOne of a pair of elements in a set whose result under the operation of the set is the identity element, especially: a.The reciprocal of a designated quantity. Also calledmultiplicative inverse. ...
Define inverse ratios. inverse ratios synonyms, inverse ratios pronunciation, inverse ratios translation, English dictionary definition of inverse ratios. an equality between a direct ratio and a reciprocal ratio; thus, 4 : 2 : : 1/3 : inversely. See als
Inverse sine,cos, tan --What they are and how to use them to find the measure of an angle in a right triangle.
Trigonometric functions are mathematical functions that help to describe the relationship between the sides of a right triangle. The most common trigonometric functions are the sine, cosine and tangent, and more rarely you may come across the cotangent, secant and cosecant. You can learn more about...
nouna function obtained by expressing the dependent variable of one function as the independent variable of another Related Words function mapping mathematical function single-valued function map Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
Inverse trigonometric functions are the inverse of the usual sine, cosine, and tangent functions, and they can be written two ways. Learn more about inverse trigonometric functions, including their notation, limited range, and how they appear on a graph. ...
Inverse trigonometric functions, or arc functions or cyclometric functions, determine angle given the value of its corresponding trigonometric function. There are six functions: arcsin- y = arcsine x, inverse of x = sine y arccos- y = arccosine x, inverse of x = cosine y ...
inverse sine inverse tangent inversely inversion invert invert soap invert sugar invertase invertebrate invertebrate foot inverted inverted comma inverted hang inverted pleat inverter invertible invest investigate investigating investigation investigative investigator investigatory investing ▼ Full browser ? ▲ Invers...
Related to Inverse trigonometric function: Inverse sinearc cosecant n. The inverse of the cosecant function. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Compan...