Flow routingInverse modelingFlux-exchange between stream and aquifer is assessed on a 85.9 km stretch of the Danube River in Hungary. Streamflow is modeled with a spatially and temporally discretized version of the linear kinematic wave equation written in a state-space form which allows for an ...
mixing of infiltration water with native groundwater (∼90%:∼10%); 2) consumption of O2by a) dissolved Fe2+that subsequently precipitated as Fe(OH)3at GMF11 and by b) dissolved and sedimentary organic matter (OM) at site JJS91; 3) reduction of SO4coupled to the oxidation of OM at...
Identification of coefficients determining flow resistance, in particular Manning’s roughness coefficients, is one of the possible inverse problems of mathematical modeling of flow distribution in looped river networks. The paper presents the solution of this problem for the lower Oder River network cons...
Model diagnosis rests on local and global sensitivity analysis tools and leads to quantification of the relative importance of uncertain model parameters on modeling goals of interest. Model calibration is performed in a stochastic framework, leading to estimates of distributions of model parameters (...
Identifying key factors that control the chemical evolution of groundwater along groundwater flow direction is essential in ensuring the safety of groundwater resources in upper watersheds and lower plains. In this study, the ion ratio, multivariate statistics, and inverse geochemical modeling were us...
19. Inverse Modeling and Its Application to Water Contaminants Summary The concepts of inverse problems presented in this chapter, with specific reference to river water pollution problems, were used in the development... Pistocchi,Alberto - John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 被引量: 10发表: 2014年 加载...
Hydrological modeling of a detention reservoir: flood control and aquifer recharge In this paper, we proposed studying a small urban drainage catchment, named Pilot Basin of Mirassol (PBM) in Natal, RN - Brazil whose outlet is a detention and infiltration reservoir (DIR). The rainfall-runoff tra...
Finding overlapping communities of complex networks remains a challenge in network science. To address this challenge, one of the widely used approaches is finding the communities of links by optimizing the objective function, partition density. In this
First we describe the four components of the inverse modeling system: the transport model, inversion method, and the a priori flux data set and observations, and then inversion experiments which we conducted follow. 2.1 The Atmospheric Transport Model [8] We used an off-line atmospheric transport...
Besides, GIS techniques and NETPATH software package hydrogeological were commonly used in the hydrogeochemical modeling in order to baseline hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical information of surface and groundwater (El Osta et al., 2020). In GIS, spatial interpolation techniques are used for ...