2.4.2. 反函数定理( Inverse Function Theorem)。 给定一个微分同胚( diffeomorphism) \Phi : M \rightarrow N ,必然有 {\Phi }_{ * } 是可逆的( invertible)。一个自然而然的问题是,如果我们知道 {\Phi }_{ * } 是可逆的,我们能否得出 \Phi 是微分同胚( diffeomorphism)的结论?
微分流形 Differentiable Manifolds(十四) 切映射 and Inverse Function Theorem 材料:香港科技大学教授的MATH 4033 (Calculus on manifold)和MATH 6250I (riemanian Geometry)课程编写的材料 Frederick Tsz-Ho Fong January 18, 2021 HKUST, Clear Water Bay, Hong Kong ...
4.1 The Inverse Function Theorem The Implicit Function Theorem 4.3 Curves and Surfaces 4.4 The Morse LemmaChapter 4 Inverse Function Theorem这个章节讲得很好, 还引用了庄子秋水中的一段话, 大佬啊.4.1 The Inverse Function Theorem映射F:Rn→RmF:Rn→Rm在p0...
principal inverse function 主反函数 inverse trigonometric(al) function 逆三角函数 inverse function generation 反函发生,反函数发生 相似单词 inverse n. 反白,反色 a. 倒转的,相反的 theorem n.【术语】(尤指数学)定理 function n.[C] 1.官能,机能 2.功能,作用;用途;目的 3.职责;职务;职业 4....
IFTInverse Function Theorem(mathematics) IFTIllinois Federation of Teachers IFTInstitut für Fenstertechnik(German: Institute for Window Technology) IFTInstitut fuer Therapieforschung(German: Institute for Therapy Research) IFTImage Foresting Transform ...
5) implicit function theorem 隐函数定理 1. By using the implicit function theorem, the condition of flexible workspace boundary of a plane closed loop five bar mechanism was derived. 应用隐函数定理 ,推导出平面闭链五杆机构柔性工作空间边界的条件 ,即输出杆与相连的连架杆共线及另一连架杆与...
Inverse function theorem without assuming continuous differentiabilityMihai Cristea
inverse theorem 反定理,逆定理 inverse function theorem 反函数定理 additive inverse 加法逆元,加性逆元 inverse annealing 反退火 inverse astigmatism 反规性散光 inverse channel 逆信道 inverse code 逆代码 inverse component 逆分量 inverse crosstalk 倒置串话 inverse curve 反曲线 相似...
The important Inverse Function Theorem that says that if a function has a non-zero derivative, then at least over an interval. the curve y = f[x] has an inverse function with the same graph (when the same axes are used for both plots). The “proof” (as opposed to the rule that ...
In the special Cohen-Macaulay case we obtain a singular analog of the inverse function theorem. The singular implicit function theorem is closely related to a (proven here) extended version of the Weierstrass-Hironaka-Malgrange division and preparation theorems. The primary motivation for this paper...