An inverse dynamics control algorithm for constrained flexible-joint robots is developed. It is shown that in a flexible-joint robot, the acceleration level inverse dynamic equations are singular because of the elastic media. Implicit numerical integration methods that account for the higher order ...
Attitude control based oninverse dynamicsand online parameter identification; 基于逆动力学和在线参数辨识的飞机姿态控制 2. Usinginverse dynamicsmethod, kinetic equations of human walking were established. 把人体看作由13个刚体铰接所组成的多刚体系统,采用逆动力学方法建立起人体行走的动力学方程,以步态实验所得...
在机器人动力学控制中,定点控制通常使用PD(比例-微分)控制器,而轨迹跟踪则采用逆动力学(Inverse Dy...
Inverse Dynamics:非线性补偿+考虑模型+PD控制,高端版PD控制,适用于多轴串联机器人几个轴一起跑轨迹...
In this paper, inverse dynamics control is investigated to actively control the magneto rheological (MR) fluid damper in series damper actuator (SDA), a new type of force control actuator. A modified Bingham model is proposed and proved by comparing with two popular MR fluid models, Bingham mod...
This paper presents an inverse dynamics control strategy to achieve small tracking errors for a class of multi-link structurally flexible manipulators. This is done by defining new outputs near the end points of the arms as well as by augmenting the control inputs by terms which ensure stable ...
For the compensation of the energy losses during walking the method of inverse dynamics control is applied which generates the walking motion according to preprogrammed nominal trajectories of legs and body. The trajectories are generated according to passive dynamic gait cycles of a passive model. ...
A motion control strategy for robot manipulators, with inverse dynamics and non-linear proportional-derivative gains is presented. On account of a possible interaction of the robot with the environment, impedance is incorporated to modify the robot's motion references according to the interaction force...
Such an active estimation is further incorporated into a classical inverse dynamics control (IDC). This is intended to make the robot autonomously adaptive to its internal uncertainties, i.e., to achieve a robust tracking performance for time-varying unknown changes in the vehicle dynamics. ...
另外,为保证精确的且稳定性更高的控制效果,在使用inverse dynamics时还需加一个反馈控制器(这里我们就...