第三章Inventory Management.ppt,Chapter 3 Inventory Management Text A Inventory 1.1 Definition of Inventory Inventory is defined as the stock of any item or resource used in an organization[1]. An inventory managements system is the set of policies and co
System •InventoryManagement仓储管理 •12-1 WhatIsInventory?Stockofitemskepttomeetfuturedemand Purposeofinventorymanagement howmanyunitstoorderwhentoorder •InventoryManagement仓储管理 •12-2 TypesofInventory RawmaterialsPurchasedpartsandsuppliesWork-in-process(partiallycompleted)products(WIP)Itemsbeing...
Inventorymanagement库存管理 1 授课日期授课教师授课专业/班级讲授单元单元讲授时长讲授内容 ___年___月___日 ___专业___班级Unit17二学时物流术语、课文、课堂练习 2 教学任务:掌握本单元的物流专业术语掌握本单元的核心概念熟悉本单元的常用物流英语表达法熟悉本单元的物流流程 3 第一部分Section...
2、int Order Quantity for a Periodic Inventory System,12-3,What Is Inventory?,Stock of items kept to meet future demand Purpose of inventory management how many units to order when to order,12-4,Types of Inventory,Raw materials Purchased parts and supplies Work-in-process (partially completed...
INVENTORYMANAGEMENT 1.Howinventoryitemscanbeclassified 2.Howaccurateinventoryrecordscanbe maintained 7 ABCANALYSIS Dividesinventoryintothreeclassesbasedon annualdollarvolume ClassA-highannualdollarvolume ClassB-mediumannualdollarvolume ClassC-lowannualdollarvolume ...
Inventory Management IPPT课件 InventoryManagementI 1 整体概述 概况一 点击此处输入相关文本内容点击此处输入相关文本内容 概况二 点击此处输入相关文本内容点击此处输入相关文本内容 概况三 点击此处输入相关文本内容点击此处输入相关文本内容 2 Definitions Inventory-Aphysicalresourcethatafirmholdsinstockwiththeintentof...
12.-Inventory-ManagementPPT课件 INVENTORYMANAGEMENT 1 INVENTORY Oneofthemostexpensiveassetsofmanycompanies,representingasmuchas50%oftotalinvestedcapital Operationsmanagersmustbalanceinventoryinvestmentandcustomerservice 2 FUNCTIONSOFINVENTORY 1.Todecoupleorseparatevariouspartsoftheproductionprocess 2.Todecouplethefirmfrom...
Order Quantity for a Periodic Inventory System Q = d(tb + L) + zd tb + L - I where d = average demand rate tb = the fixed time between orders L = lead time sd = standard deviation of demand zd tb + L = safety stock I = inventory level ...
1、会计学1inventorymanagement第1页/共66页第2页/共66页第3页/共66页 订单 供应厂家 采购 收货 原材料 库存 发运 顾客 成品库存 半成品库存 生产过程 销售过程 供应过程 资金流入 资金流出 成品资金 生产资金 储备资金 固定资金 资金流 信息流 物流 制造过程的物料流 第4页/共66页第5页/共66页第6页/...