promo: owns:440;owns:480 傳回: true false pResultHandle 備註: DestroyResult 範例: void CInventory::GrantPromoItems() { SteamItemDef_t newItems[2]; newItems[0] = 110; newItems[1] = 111; SteamInventory()->AddPromoItems( &s_GenerateRequestResult, newItems, 2 ); } ...
, it contributes to an organized and efficient educational ecosystem. let's connect supplies, card & certificates efficient school management involves handling inventory , card management , and certificate management effectively. inventory management includes overseeing school supplies , suppliers , stores ...
History Syntax stringSource Classes & Structs58 General4 Debugging Get Your SteamId Leaderboards Take a screenshot Friends1 Grouping Friends Inventory1 Item Store Cart Servers1 Get Server List Workshop3 Creating Workshop Items Editing Workshop Items ...
Properties boolExpired{get; } intItemCount{get; } Methods boolBelongsTo(SteamIdsteamId) Checks whether an inventory result handle belongs to the specified Steam ID. This is important when using Deserialize, to verify that a remote player is not pretending to have a different user's inventory ...
Alliant, Ally, All America Bank, American First Credit Union, American Express® National Bank, Arvest Bank, Aspiration, Axos Bank, B2 Bank, Bank of America, Bank5 Connect, Bank7, Barclays, Bask Bank, Betterment, Bluevine, BMO...
m_bCachedData bool Indicates that the data was retrieved from the cache and not the server. This happens if the user is not logged on or can not otherwise connect to the Steam servers.Associated Functions: ISteamInventory::RequestEligiblePromoItemDefinitionsIDs SteamInventoryFullUpdate_tTriggered...
Syntax staticInventoryDefFindDefinition(Data.InventoryDefIddefId) Description Try to find the definition that matches this definition ID. Uses a dictionary so should be about as fast as possible. Arguments Data.InventoryDefIddefId InventoryDef
Data.InventoryItemIdId{get; } boolIsConsumed{get; } The item quantity has been decreased by 1 via ConsumeItem API. This is an action confirmation flag which is only set one time, as part of a result set. boolIsNoTrade{get; }
m_bCachedData bool Indicates that the data was retrieved from the cache and not the server. This happens if the user is not logged on or can not otherwise connect to the Steam servers.Associated Functions: RequestEligiblePromoItemDefinitionsIDs ...
m_bCachedData bool Indicates that the data was retrieved from the cache and not the server. This happens if the user is not logged on or can not otherwise connect to the Steam servers.Associated Functions: RequestEligiblePromoItemDefinitionsIDs ...