Extension: Create Buttons, Labels, TextBoxes, Sliders by code by Juan Antonio Gif animated Extension. Clickable. Transparent Background by Juan Antonio For Each Loops Extension by Juan Antonio Notification Extension by Juan Antonio Get Source code of webpage Extension by Juan Antonio Small Camera ...
Having Some issues with google cloud messaging api for android I am new to gcm api for android and have for some time now i have being working on an android app to allow chatting between two users of the app. The app is such that a chat can only be initiated when......
In the summer of 1978, Shiva had been recruited for programming assignments at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ) in Newark, New Jersey. One of his supervisors,Dr. Leslie P. Michelson, recognized his abilities and challenged him to translate the conventional paper-ba...
Having Some issues with google cloud messaging api for android I am new to gcm api for android and have for some time now i have being working on an android app to allow chatting between two users of the app. The app is such that a chat can only be initiated when... ...
Export sheet metal Flat Pattern parts of an assembly to DXF in one go. Besides just exporting the Flat Patterns, the application will also insert Part Number, Material, Thickness and Quantity properties for each Flat Pattern DXF file or include it in the file name. Edge marks/scribes and not...
Regardless, these rudimentary text messaging systems required complex commands to construct, send and receive a message.None of these systems were email--- the system, we all know today, or what Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai created in 1978. For example, every message had to be printed out, then was...
<5.0.4> - [Improved] Total QTY has been changed to be Part Number OR File Name based, depending on your Row Merge setting of your Inventor BOM. <5.0.3> - [New] Added the Top-Center justification option for when adding text inside the DXF file. - [Improved] Added the ability to ...
Resolved issue that prevented lists of number values, such as a list in an Excel spreadsheet, from being assigned to a multi-value text parameter. INVGEN-24759 Improved stability when using the iLogic Event Trigger command to change iProperties. INVGEN-26274API...
To effect the changes made, click on the Deploy button at the top right corner of the Node-RED tab. A "connected" text is shown under the mqtt in node to signify that a connection has been established with the mosquitto MQTT broker. To see messages in Node-RED, click on the debug lo...
Oculus co-founder Palmer Luckey weighs in on what's next for virtual reality, including touch control, changing the way we communicate and the convergence of AR and VR.