I've been using it for years now, and just got it working in Inventor 2023. Just make sure to load it in the add-in manager. Thanks for developing and updating it! Reply Not Working 2023 Oliver Matthews | December 20, 2022 It will install but it will not stay loaded in the ...
INVENTOR ilogic drawing(1) Inventor iLogic Form(1) Inventor Import(2) Inventor importing(1) Inventor Incorrect iProperties(1) Inventor iProperties(2) Inventor LT 2021(1) Inventor LT Trial(1) Inventor Material Libraries(1) Inventor Materials(1) Inventor mdf issue(1) Inventor ...
You could develop a series of iLogic rules to do things like updating iProperties based upon different model criteria or Replacing Components in an assembly based upon selections made in an iLogic Form, or even update text blocks within an associated Drawing. The list is long as to what ...
The implementation of a dual-pane view for our iLogic coding interface, iproperties, and Bill of Materials screen. This innovative feature would facilitate simultaneous access to the coding and updating screens, as well as the model and model tree. By eliminating the need to switch between scree...
The key to deciding whether to use iLogic or not depends on several different factors. Do you want to accomplish simple little tasks like updating iProperty information? Or do you want to update Part Feature data or maybe even create a pseudo iAssembly, basically controlling the Supp...
upgrade to Inventor 2025 or a later version (from Inventor 2024 or earlier version), you will have to reset your administrator password. Please follow the reset password information in the link below if you still have an issue with your existing password after updating to the new iPropWiz ...
Addbend informationas text near the bendlines on the DXF. Add thedimensionsof the flat pattern to an iProperty field on each save or do this in a batch run for all parts in the assembly. Generate automatically thedrawingsof the selected sheet metal parts. ...
INVGEN-24848 iProperties in User Defined Properties property set with "_" prefix are available through API. INVGEN-26107Assemblies - Constraints-Joint-Assemble Resolved issue where the 2 Axes Undirected option in the assembly Place Constraints dialog box only let you drag in one direction. INVGEN...
When selected, on the Manage tab, Update panel, the Update Mass Properties command executes before saving the file. By not requiring a manual update action, it keeps mass properties up to date. If you have Inventor, select eitherParts OnlyorParts and Assemblies.Updating mass properties for asse...
This means we have 2 parts of the app that can change the button to “ON” and 2 parts that can change the button to “OFF”. Rather than duplicate the same code I have moved the blocks that change the LED button properties to their own procedures ...