问题: 在Inventor中使用“Vault修订表”并想要“更新特性”时,它不会使用Vault中的当前值一致地更新Vault修订块。这可能会导致从此图形生成的生命周期状态更改的任何PDF的修订表也不准确。 原因: 未安装Vault 2019.1.1 Update...
问题: 用户指出,在Inventor中将工程图另存为AutoCAD DWG时,几何图元文本已从对齐到草图更改为直单行文本。 在下面的示例中,沿圆创建了几何体文字(使用Tahoma字体)。它将在导出的AutoCAD DWG图形中成为直文本: 状态: 正在对此...
問題: Inventor図面で直径寸法を長さ寸法に変更する方法 解決策: 直径寸法の中心点を選択し、長さ寸法が必要な位置までドラッグします。 関連項目: Autodesk Inventorヘルプ|図面注記 製品: AutoCAD Inventor LT Suite; Inventor; Inventor Engineer-to-Order; Inventor Fac
Model States, Custom Content Center parts, and the Change Size command swalton | 01-23-2025 09:52 上午 Upvote (0) 1replies Latest reply by: johnsonshiue Importing porous structure in inventor assembly binkalsharma0001 | 01-15-2025 06:04 上午 ...
Change(1) change model in drawing file(1) Change radius and K factor of bends in step files(1) change the text color of the status bar(1) charlotte pipe(1) check in(5) Check-in Error(1) Checked Out By(1) checksum(1) chrash reports(1) circle(1) circles(1) ci...
問題: 取得したモデル寸法の公差が、Inventorでモデルの公差のみが変更された場合に、図面で変更されなかったことをユーザが報告しました。図面寸法で[寸法を検査]オプションが有効になりました。 ステータス: 問題は特定され...
語言: 說明 Drawing Porter is a batch print and export tool for Autodesk® Inventor®. What makes it unique is that its Assembly focussed or based and that it will determine which drawings and parts are relevant based on the single assembly file you select. ...
You may have solved this already but just in case: When you are importing the model you can click on options and a window will appear. Here you can select the units, by default they should be set to "Template Units" and here you could change it to whatever unit you need. Seems to...
These dimensions are associated with the sketch and change when you move or edit sketch geometry. Note: You can select drawing dimensions from the drawing sheet to a sketch using the Promote to Sketch function. Dimensions in isometric views You can create dimensions in isometric drawing views....
(25%), models (4) and (10) in Table2indicate that, once innovation capability and international knowledge sourcing are controlled for, R&D expenditures are not associated with an MNE’s technological variety. In brief, the results of the baseline models do not change when R&D expenditures are...