预售【中商原版】达芬奇 发明手记 (立体书)英文原版 Inventions: Leonardo Da Vinci 达芬奇素描手稿3D立体书 2月下旬到货点击进入9.9元专区>> ¥171.00 降价通知 暂无评分 47人评分精彩评分送积分 作者 David Hawcock 查看作品 出版 Walker Books,2008年11月 查看作品 分类 图书>英文原版书>艺术 Art ...
预售【中商原版】达芬奇发明手记 (立体书)英文原版 Inventions: Leonardo Da Vinci 达芬奇素描手稿3D立体书,
Along with being a master artist, Leonardo da Vinci, a Renaissance Man in the truest sense, was also a prolific inventor, conceiving hundreds of inventions far ahead of their time.
Leonardo da Vinci inventions are not that well known, he is most famous for his paintings, The Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, but there is so much more to this genius than just those masterpieces. Many of his great works are his inventions. Theyshow his true talent as a master of many...
满199包邮 查看优惠 预售 付款46天后发货 预售【中商原版】达芬奇发明手记 (立体书)英文原版 Inventions: Leonardo Da Vinci 达芬奇素描手稿3D立体书 2月下旬到货 分享配送 至 选择地区查看预计配送信息 快递:5元起 服务线下门店 · 收货后结算 选择 发货地;货源地 商品评价 暂无评价 ...
Leonardo da Vincimechanical inventions and its advances are astounding. He created the first spring driven clock,the first robotand thefirst self powered vehicleamong many other things. One of the most notable of Leonardo’s mechanical inventions was hisflying machine, which was based on the anatom...
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) was an Italian inventor, artist, architect, and scientist. Da Vinci had an interest in engineering and made detailed sketches of the airplane, the helicopter (and other flying machines), the parachute, the submarine, the armored car, the ballista (a giant crossbo...
Leonardo da Vinci, a trueRenaissancegenius, left a lasting mark on the world through his art and innovative ideas. Many of his inventions, sketched out hundreds of years ago, continue to impact modern life. His designs, such as theball bearingand the continuous variable transmission (CVT), ar...
现货【中商原版】达芬奇 发明手记 (立体书)英文原版 Inventions: Leonardo Da Vinci 达芬奇素描手稿3D立体书 天猫中华商务图书专营店【现货 【中商原版】达芬奇 发明手记 (立体书)英文原版 Inventions: Leonardo Da Vinci 达芬奇素描手稿3D立体书】30天销量10件,原价149元,可领取5元优惠券,现在购买可享券后价144元...
One of the great inventors of history, Leonardo da Vinci, lived in the 1400s-1500s but developed inventions that would not be built for centuries. Learn about a few of his most famous inventions and creations. A Renaissance Man Did you know that all of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles get...