she developed a doll inspired by a famous German doll initially sold to adults that she had discovered during a trip. The beauty was named Barbie after her daughter, Barbara, and Ken was invented later and named after her son.
The latest science inventions; future inventions straight out of the movies latest science inventions seem like they are the real life materialization of our science fiction fantasies Continue reading "The latest science inventions; future inventions straight out of the movies" ...
"Ms. Wu's Been Forgotten in the Elevator". This piece was inspired by a horrific event that took place in Xi'an China in March of 2016, a city of 8,700,00 people, in which a woman, identified only as Ms. Wu in news reports, was in an elevator of her apartment building when re...
Get your creative mind inspired by these useful inventions and their concepts that make going through our daily lives much more convenient and hassle-free.
Born in Vienna in 1914, Hedy Lamarr, whose real name was Hedwig Kiesler, emigrated to the US in 1937 and caught the eye of film producerLouis B. Mayerwhile travelling by ship from London to New York. She would go on to make over 25 movies, appearing opposite some of Tinseltown's most...
That thing pictured over there to the right? That thing that looks like hair from your shower drain or a Giger-inspired coffee mug? It’s a living organism that just might be the future of how we harvest material for all of our tech needs. ...
The machine closest to the ideals of Rube Goldberg inventions is not even one machine but rather a series of machines, each performing a different task. Still, it was undoubtedly inspired by the works of the cartoonist-engineer. A chain of alarm clocks go off, causing a coffeemaker to brew...
Movies such as “Runaway Jury,”“Old School,”“Smokin’ Aces,” and “Serendipity” further showcased Piven’s versatility and fortified his stature in the acting world. How Piven Has Influenced Other Actors Piven’s ability to command the screen, both in lead roles and as a supporting act...
1. Big Mouth Billy Bass by Gemmy Industries The idea for the Big Mouth Billy Bass was inspired by a simple mounted game fish, which is all that this decorative piece appears to be at a glance. After a visit to a Bash Pro Shop, Joe Pellettieri – then Vice President of Product Develop...
4.Iusuallyenjoyhismovies,butthelatestonedidn'tcomeuptomyexpectations.5.Woulditbeconvenientforyoutopickmeupatfouro'clock andtakemetotheairport?6.Theyoftenquarreled;thereseemedtobeamisunderstanding betweenthem.7.Iwillbegratefulifyoucanconsideracceptingmeandcalling meup.8.Inmyopinion,whenmeetingwith...