The Invention of the transistor and development of semiconductor devices against a background of the Cold War events The invention of the transistor (J. Bardeen, W. Brattain and W. Shockley, 1947) gave rise to a rapid development of semiconductor devices and integrated ci... V Borisov,Y ...
that the basic idea of the solid state transistor (MOS field-effect transistor) was introduced by Julius Edgar Lilienfeld in 1925, and that the harbingers of the transistor were experiments, carried out by a few scientists, involving two terminal solid state devices (crystals) during the 1920'...
November 17 - December 23, 1947: Invention of the First TransistorRiordan, MichaelHoddeson, Lillian
barely noticed in 1947 went on to usher in the Information Age. In that year John Bardeen, William Shockley, and Walter Brattain of Bell Laboratories drew upon highly sophisticated principles of quantum physics to invent the transistor, a small substitute for the bulky vacuum tube. This,[...
In 1956 William B. Shockley, forty-six, returned to his boyhood home in Palo Alto. As coinventor of the transistor while at Bell Laboratories in 1947, he had just won a Nobel Prize together with John Bardeen and Walter Brattain. Now Shockley would establish the first semiconductor company ...
1947 British-Hungarian scientist Dennis Gabor developed the theory of holography. Mobile phoneswere first invented. Although cell phones were not sold commercially until 1983. Bardeen, Brattain, and Shockley invented thetransistor. Earl Silas Tupper patented the Tupperware seal. ...
Ever since the first prehistoric stone tools, humans have lived in a world shaped by invention. Indeed, the brain appears to be a naturalinventor. As part of the act of perception, humans assemble, arrange, and manipulate incoming sensory information so as to build adynamic, constantly updated...
I enter through gold-tinted glass doors on the west side of the building, and the early-1980s fantasia continues. The high-ceilinged concrete space is filled with display cases filled with artifacts filled with astonishing significance: the world’s first transistor (1947); the world’s first...
Arks are mere wooden boxes to hold books and documents, and yet as such they symbolize the wisdom of the ages, of God’s promise for humanity.12 Bill Gates once identified the development of the transistor in 1947 as ‘a key transitional event in the advent of the information age’. Othe...
A team working under the leadership of Dr John Northrup Shive was developing semiconductor devices that were similar to the point contact transistors that had been announced in 1947.Starting work in 1948, Shrive was investigating the effects of light beams on transistor devices to see whether this...