对于"invalid_id_token",它是指身份验证过程中的一个错误,表示无效的身份令牌。身份令牌是在用户登录成功后由身份提供商(如OAuth服务器)颁发的,用于验证用户身份和访问权限。当JHipster应用程序在验证身份令牌时发现令牌无效时,会返回"invalid_id_token"错误。 解决"invalid_id_token"错误的方法通常包括以下步骤: 检...
[invalid_id_token] An error occurred while attempting to decode the Jwt: The ID Token contains invalid claims Akanksha Pandey6Reputation points Jun 8, 2022, 2:12 PM I am adding oauth into an application(Java based) and I'm running into the following error: ...
Did something change where I need to tell my Auth Provider what I think the time is so my Id Token is aligned? My Token Provider would be setting the private static final String KEY_EXPIRATION = "exp"; field in the id token but how would they know my clock was set forward an hour?
“invalid token”的意思是“无效的令牌”,表示提供的令牌不能被系统接受或识别。 Invalid Token的全面解析 在计算机科学和网络通信的领域里,'invalid token'(无效令牌)是一个常见的错误信息。对于初次接触这一术语的用户来说,理解其含义、原因、表现、解决方法以及预防措施都...
加入一个bean @Bean("requestInterceptor") public RequestInterceptor requestInterceptor(){ retur...
"invalid parameter: id_token_hint" 这个错误通常出现在使用OAuth 2.0或OpenID Connect协议进行身份验证时。以下是对该错误的详细分析和解决步骤: 1. 确认问题背景 首先,需要了解出现“invalid parameter: id_token_hint”错误的上下文。这个错误可能出现在多种平台、框架或系统中,例如在使用Google、Facebook等第三方身...
How frequently does the bug occur? select -- Description So I am using google auth in my android and ios application. Now the application I created on atlas-app services allows only one client Id. But for android authentication to work, ...
我做项目 Go 杜松子酒我为用户电话号码发送短信当代码执行完成,执行程序时,出现如下错误InvalidClientTokenId: The security token included in the request is invalid.我认为错误当然是缺少令牌。但我不知道如何获取令牌这在我的代码下面func PushSms(phoneNumber, code string) error { fmt.Println("create session...
Why is my idToken signature invalidnocap 0 Reputation points Dec 6, 2023, 11:04 PM I am looking to integrate microsoft oauth with my application and am having a difficult time understanding the documentation. I have registered my app to allow for users of all account types (work, school,...