void CMainFrame::OnFileOpen()// TODO:Add your command handler code hereHANDLE hFilehFile=CreateFile("new.txt",GENERIC_WRITE,0,NULL,CREATE_NEW,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,NULL);//创建文件DWORD lWrites;//接受实际写入的字节数if(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE!=hFile)...
Some API functions will use NULL as an empty or invalid handle, while others use INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE.CHandleonly uses NULL and will treat INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE as a real handle. If you call an API which can return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, you should check for this value before callingCHandle...
if(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE!=hFile hFile是创建文件的句柄,如果成功,hFile就是这个文件的句柄,如果失败,返回值就是是INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE,这句话就是看是不是失败了.
我们知道,在 C 语言中,NULL 通常被定义为:#define NULL ((void *)0) 所以说 NULL 实际上是一个空指针,如果在 C 语言中写入以下代码,编译是没有问题的,因为在C语言中把空指针赋给 int 和 char 指针的时候,发生了隐式类型转换,把 void 指针转换成了相应类型的指针。 1int*pi =NULL;2char*pc = NULL;...
HANDLE hFind; LPWIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData; hFind = FindFirstFile("*.*", &FindFileData);if(hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {printf("\nFindFirstFile failed (%u)\n",GetLastError());return; }do{if(FindFileData->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) {if(FindFileData->cFileName[...
Michael Chourdakis 10.9k33 gold badges4545 silver badges8686 bronze badges Add a comment 1 HWND can't be used in comparison to INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE as this two are two different things. Most resources, such as a file, etc return HANDLE and must be compared to INVALID_HANDLE_...
确保在调用 cublasSgemm 之前,矩阵A、B、C的数据已经被正确分配并且初始化(如果需要的话)。 如果以上都正确,尝试更新显卡驱动和CUDA工具包到最新版本: 有时候,错误可能是由于显卡驱动或CUDA工具包的旧版本中的已知问题导致的。更新到最新版本可能会解决这些问题。 如果以上步骤都无法解决问题,建议详细检查错误日志,查...
cmillioncommentedJul 7, 2015 I was able to reproduce using the commands below. import numpy as np np.seterr(all='warn') import gPhoton.curvetools skypos = [1.8873,33.2916] stepsz = 30 radius = 0.00166 annulus = [0.00222,0.00333] band = 'NUV' maxgap = 1000 blah = gPhoton.curvetools...