INVALID_AFFINITY_SET錯誤檢查的 值為 0x00000003。這個錯誤檢查不常出現。重要 本文適用于程式設計人員。 如果您是在使用電腦時收到藍色螢幕錯誤碼的客戶,請參閱 針對藍色畫面錯誤進行疑難排解。解決方案!analyze 偵錯延伸模組會顯示錯誤檢查的相關資訊,有助於判斷根本原因。意見...
Explanation: User Action: INVALID_AFFINITY_SET Explanation: This is a Windows character-mode Stop message. It indicates a null of incorrect subset affinity. User Action: If this is the first time you have restarted after installing additional hardware, remove the hardware and restart again. Check...
"1. Process PID does not exist: Check if a process with the specified PID 1417 exists at the time of attempting to install CPU affinity. This process may have already completed or the PID was incorrectly specified. Invalid parameters: Verify that the parameters used with the taskset command ...
[root@topsec ~]# taskset -cp 0-3 82 pid 82's current affinity list: 0-7 taskset: failed to set pid 82's affinity: Invalid argument [root@topsec ~]# 这儿怎么不能粘贴截图 2019-05-15 赞同1 评论 添加评论 青山松系统运维工程师传媒 taskset --help传媒· 2019-05-24 赞同1 浏览7909 ...
Linux中taskset -cp 命令绑核报错(taskset: failed to set pid 82's affinity: Invalid argument)? Linux中taskset -cp 命令绑核报错(taskset: failed to set pid 82's affinity: Invalid argument) 怎么回事?知者望告知 回答 邀答 关注4 评论 参与13 分享 ...
INVALID_AFFINITY_SET 錯誤通常涉及藍屏死機(藍屏)或「停止」錯誤: 「由於 INVALID_AFFINITY_SET 的問題而導致視窗意外關機。「 」: (INVALID_AFFINITY_SET 造成一個錯誤。 您的電腦需要重新啟動。「 「0x0A:非相等的不相等 — INVALID_AFFINITY_SET」 停止:例外狀況沒有處理 — INVALI...
To fix the INVALID_AFFINITY_SET error on Windows 11, first restart your computer in safe mode, then block automatic restart option.
Once affected with INVALID_AFFINITY_SET BSOD error, Windows have a tendency to reboot automatically without notifying the users. Therefore, the first thing first and we will disable thisAutomatic Restartin the first place. Step-1: Move to the Desktop (Win+D) and make a right click onThis PC...
INVALID_AFFINITY_SET表示无效的关联集,意味着发生了与处理器关联设置相关的错误。通常与驱动程序或操作系统配置的不一致性有关。 出现0x00000003蓝屏代码的解决方法: 更新驱动程序:确保计算机的所有驱动程序都是最新版本。您可以从硬件制造商的网站或计算机制造商的支持页面下载和安装最新驱动程序。