Hence, the problem is with the very attempt to transmit the string "request\x01-s" over XML-RPC. Member di commented Apr 1, 2019 I think given the relative infrequency of files with these characters in them, and given the "deprecation" of the XML-RPC API, we can probably just use...
</operation> <soap:binding transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" style="rpc"/> </binding> <service name="DoradoService"> <port name="DoradoIFPort" binding="tns:DoradoIFBinding"> <soap:address location="http://localhost:8080/jaxrpc-Dorado/dorado"/> </port> ...
A GetByKey method call for a sales document using Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP will return the following error message: Token StartElement in state EndRootElement would result in an invalid XML document. Make sure that the ConformanceLevel setting is...
EAS Cloud 控制台界面无法打开admn_client.log日志报错Warning: NLS missing message: PatchPage_Telnet_tips in: com... 控制台无法启动,日志提示com.kingdee.eas.tools.admin.domain.info.NodeInfo 控制台加载异常 EAS Cloud正式环境迁移到测试环境,打开管理控制台后,软件特征码显示空白 临时文件无法创建导致控制台...
Error: Invalid JSON RPC response: "" at Object.InvalidResponse (...\node_modules\web3-core-helpers\lib\errors.js:43:16) at XMLHttpRequest.request.onreadystatechange (...\node_modules\web3-providers-http\lib\index.js:95:32) at XMLHttpRequestEventTarget.dispatchEvent (...\node_modules\xhr...
线程的 COM 单元状态不同于预期。 这可能造成调用COMException(RCW) 时,出现COMException、RPC_E_WRONG_THREAD 返回 HRESULT 以及InvalidCastException。 这也可能造成部分单线程 COM 组件由多个线程同时访问,进而导致损坏或数据丢失。 原因 该线程之前已初始化为不同的 COM 单元状态。 请注意,可显式或隐式设置线程的...
Example: <rpc-reply xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0' message-id='101'> <data xmlns:arnc='http://arista.com/yang/rpc/netconf' arnc:time-modified='2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z'> "; } augment "/nc:get-config/nc:output" { description "Adds time-modified ann...
[root@usr ~]# ./regen_repodata.py --force --cleandb --channel="rhel-x86_64-server-6" enter the satellite url, such as https://satellite.example.com/rpc/api https://satellite.redhat.com/XMLRPC Login details for https://satellite.redhat.com/XMLRPC Login: user Password: Traceback (most...
java.io.WriteAbortedException: writing aborted; java.io.NotSerializableException: com.sun.xml.rpc.util.localization.LocalizableSupport In short, can I call a service which returns a complexType using dii, and if so, what have I done wrong? Thanks again Clinton...
In the error message, the second "than" is a misspelling of "then." Cause This problem occurs because a functional currency isn't set up in Microsoft Dynamics GP or in Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains. Resolution To resolve this problem, set up a functional currenc...