重新加载项目或重启IDE: 关闭并重新打开你的项目,或者完全退出IDE并重新启动它。 通过上述步骤,你应该能够解决“invalid vcs root mapping”错误。如果问题仍然存在,可能需要检查你的网络连接(如果VCS仓库位于远程服务器上),或者检查你的IDE和VCS客户端是否需要更新。
Android:InvalidVCSrootmapping解决 Android:InvalidVCSrootmapping解决Android: Invalid VCS root mapping The directory E:\AndroidWorkspace\SerialPortHelper-master is registered as a Git root, but no Git repositories were found there.⽅法⼀、加⼊gradle-6.8(或其他适合⾃⼰的版本)
File 中setting---version control 中VCS选择none 后选择ok 执行完以上的步骤,还错误就会消失。
idea导入项目时报错Invalid VCS root mapping 解决方法移除即可 或点击下图 configure… 也可以到达移除页面 移除即可
1. Invalid Vcs root mapping The directory <Project> is registered as a Git root, but no Git repositories were found there. To push the entire project to bitbucket worked for me: ip@ubuntu:~/Documents/drupal72$ git push origin master ...
invalid VCS root mapping 移除即可 点击configure 弹出下面这个框 移除该文件
Hello! Every time I do the following procedure, I get the error message popup stating "invalid vcs root mapping": - open windows terminal - git clone project - open intellij idea 15.0.5 community edition - file -> new -> project from existing sources ...
if you install a plugin via the command sw plugin:install and the plugin is build after the new plugin system you will get an error in PhpStorm regarding an invalid VCS root mapping. The directory /.../engine/Shopware/Plugins/Local/Frontend/SwagTest is registered as a Git root, but no ...
Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is. To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. Screenshots If applicable, add screensho...
Invalid VCS root mapping VCS:Version Control Service。 版本控制无效。 参考:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_35091353/article/details/119424447 标签:Git,idea 好文要顶关注我收藏该文微信分享 XiaoNiuFeiTian 粉丝-188关注 -179 +加关注 0 0 «上一篇:Wicket 7.x Reference Guide ...