Error, invalid subscript selector Description Examples Description This error occurs when you use the selection operation incorrectly when selecting from a list or sequence . For more details, see Selection Operation . Errors due to invalid subscripts...
A defined assignment generic interface for a given LHS/RHS type & rank combination may have a specific procedure with LHS dummy argument that is neither allocatable nor pointer, or specific procedure(s) whose LHS dummy arguments are allocatable or pointer. It is possible to have two specific pro...
没看逻辑 只看语法的话,find是函数,你用了find[1]和find[i]这两对中括号需要改成小括号
Source Generated with Decompyle++ File: final2.pyc (Python 3.12) Error decompyling .\final2.pyc: invalid vector subscript
exponentiation operation not defined for Vectors features not compatible final value in loop must be numeric groups set to autoexecute illegal use of an object as a name improper op or subscript selector inconsistent system incorrect specification of points data initial value in for loop input system...
Defining Subscript and Superscript Delay between each character in sendkeys? delay or pause my VB code Delete last row in datagridview delete or rename image file loaded into a picture box Delete Selected Row From Data Grid in VB.NET Deleting a line in a multiline text box Deleting data fro...
max函数中array变量是int*类型,它是int数组bai,后面只能一个下标,写了多处array[I][j],当做二维数组来用。max函数最后一个for循环,for循环应该有三部分,它们以分号隔开,这里只有一部分,没有分号隔开。include <iostream> using namespace std;int max(int (*array)[100],int I,int J,int...
but i keep getting this error:invalid types 'double[int]' for array subscript. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 intmain(){doublex,y; cout<<"Enter two numbers "<<endl; cin>>x >>y;doubleTwoNumbers[2]; TwoNumbers={x,y}; may i know what is wrong with my codes?
Tz=solve('Tz=(((xiz*(QH-deltaQH))./(M1.*(1+gammar)))+mcphayvc.*Tc)./(betaz.*mcphayphayvz)',Tz) Note that Ta Tc gammar must be scalar values for this purpose. If they were arrays then the solve() would be trying to find one single Tz that solved all of the...
Error, invalid subscript selector Description Examples Description This error occurs when you use the selection operation incorrectly when selecting from a list or sequence . For more details, see Selection Operation . Errors due to invalid subscripts...