{"errcode":40026,"errmsg":"invalid sub button key size rid: 66125222-25a720a1-6f23acac"} 参数: { "button": [ { "name": "入驻机构", "sub_button": [ { "name": "山西省", "type": "click", "value": "测试1\n电话:15603528888\n\n国标中心\n电话:17603508888\n\n宁\n电话:15513238...
假设你正在尝试创建一个自定义菜单,并遇到了“invalid button size rid”错误,你可以按照以下步骤进行排查和修复: json { "button": [ { "name": "菜单1", "sub_button": [ { "type": "click", "name": "按钮1", "key": "V1001_TODAY_MUSIC" }, { "type": "view", "name": "搜索", "u...
为什么会出现“invalid sub button url size”的错误? rid: 609687d4-372b3198-78c8143c代表什么? 你看到这个错误的时候,80%就是下边这种情况 不是子按钮url长度错误,而是json串中的url写成了key eg: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 运行 AI代码解释 { "type":"view", "name":"官网", "key":"http...
chromakey cId class classificationOutcomeType clearAll clearComments clearContents clearFormats click clientInsertedTime clipped clr clrIdx clrMode clrSpc cm cmd cmpd cnt codeName codePage coerce coherent3DOff colGrandTotals colHeaderCaption colHidden colId collapse collapsed collapsedLevelsAreSubtotals col...
errcode":40026,"errmsg":"invalid sub button key ? invalid type rid: 6749655f-3c2b08bc-621951ae? 创建菜单接口报错errcode:40017,errmsg:invalid button type? "errcode":40008,"errmsg":invalid message type rid? invalid button size rid? 相关文档 button: 小程序/开发/组件/表单组件/button button#Bug...
Help me to fix it Error details: | Count | Error text | Last seen | 12 | AMD Invalid Result | 2017-11-30 06:52:08 | "gpu_threads_conf" : [ // gpu: gfx901 memory:3920 // compute units: 64 { "index" : 0, "intensity" : 1932, "worksize" : 8,...
In the security baseline for Windows 10 and later I have configured the Device Lock part. Number of sign-in failures before wiping device = 10 I have also this set on the Device Restriction policy under Password. Number of sign-in failures before wiping device = 10 ...
User.cs public class GoUserModel : IdentityUser [Key] UserId int {get;set;} UserName string {get;set;} // using for login Password string {get;set} FirstName string {get;set;} LastName string {get;set;} EmailAddress string {get;set} RoleId int{get;set;} UserRole UserRole {get;...
I found the solution, in Intune is the necessary setting Did anyone got through this? Still having some security recommendations that I cannot get rid of because Exposure Score recommendations is looking for GPOs to be in-place... Set 'Account lockout duration' to 15 minutes ...