stream_index=1# 假设音频流的索引为1try:# 使用FFmpeg命令进行音频提取和处理 cmd=f"ffmpeg -i {input_file} -vn -acodec copy -map 0:{stream_index} {output_file}",shell=True,check=True)print("音频提取和处理成功!")except subprocess.CalledProcessErrorase:print(f"发生错误:{e...
pythonCopy codeimportsubprocess# 定义输入文件和输出文件名input_file="input.mp4"output_file="output.mp4"# 假设我们要提取音频流并进行处理stream_index=1# 假设音频流的索引为1try:# 使用FFmpeg命令进行音频提取和处理cmd=f"ffmpeg -i{input_file}-vn -acodec copy -map 0:{stream_index}{output_file}"...
AV_LOG_ERROR,"Invalid packet stream index: %d\n",pkt->stream_index);returnAVERROR(EINVAL);}if(s->streams[pkt->stream_index]->codec->codec_type==AVMEDIA_TYPE_ATTACHMENT){av_log(s,AV_LOG_ERROR,"Received a packet for an attachment...
Just to be clear this is a desktop application, so there is a .resx file for every form. If I look at the differences using Git i can see what changes when I move a control on the form.<data name="ucComplete.Value" mimetype="application/
editor/editor_data.cpp:745 - Index p_idx = 2 is out of bounds (edited_scene.size() = 2). Steps to reproduce Unknown, only happened to one of my scenes :( However, I can give some details surrounding the scene. I made it at some point during 4.0's alphas. I probably never touch...
If it’s not a bug, please use discussions: Please provide the below information in addition to your issue: cuRobo installation mode (choose from [python, isaac sim, docker python, docker isaac...
[IndexOutOfRangeException: There is no row at position 0.] i find this error.. plz help me.. [IO] How to - Delete a file, keeping data in the stream? [Out Of Memory Error] while handling 400MB XML file [Solved] C# write to file without extension [Solved] Error MSSQL connection...
index condition pushdown + innodb The valgrind error about reading uninitialized memory occurs because the index used for index condition pushdown contained a prefix of a BLOB field. This lead to this field not being read in from neither the index nor the real record due to not "covering the ...
at ... 一般这些图片,是由扫描仪扫描,或者数码相机拍摄,并且处理时,图片的颜色空间(colorspace)为CMYK模式。 导致了方法抛出异常的原因。 一般情况为RGB模式。 在sun 的官方网站,有该bug 的讨论: ...
}else{throwInvalidArgument("Unknown file extension for image '"+ file +"'!"); } FXFileStream stream;if(img !=NULL&&, FXStreamLoad)) { a->beginWaitCursor(); img->loadPixels(stream); stream.close();