steamdeck 客户端页面全部invalid SSL certificate error -202 status 4 我是这种情况,供同样情况的小伙伴参考 使用的是羽翼城大佬的Steamcommunity302插件 距离安装使用一年了 解决方法(可能是因为更新以后的SteamOS需要手动安装下证书) 先卸载原来的证书 sh 电脑上用Steamcommunity302生成新的证书导入文件,...
针对你遇到的“invalid ssl certificate”错误(错误代码:-202,状态:4),这里有几个可能的解决方案,你可以逐一尝试: 确认系统时间是否准确: 系统时间错误可能会导致SSL证书验证失败,因为SSL证书具有时间限制。请确保你的系统时间是准确的。 清除浏览器缓存和Cookie: 有时候,旧的缓存或Cookie可能会导致浏览器无法正确...
Steamdeck商..今天发现自己deck的客户端页面全部invalid SSL certificate error -202 status 4第一反应就是Steamcommunity302的证书过期了,因为只有一年有效期
Steam client throws "Invalid SSL Certificate" error when trying to open any https website in it. Non-secure websites loads without problems. Everything works fine in native firefox or chromium browsers. Terminal output shows this errors:
t=5067 [st=70] -HTTP_STREAM_REQUEST t=5067 [st=70] URL_REQUEST_DELEGATE_SSL_CERTIFICATE_ERROR [dt=1] t=5068 [st=71] CANCELLED --> net_error = -202 (ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID) So all the requests are pretty much cancelled with the same error which is not surprising. From the ...
Initiating SSL handshake. Handshake successful; connected socket 3 to SSL handle 0x000055b94eb4f820 certificate: subject: issuer: CN=NL_InternalCA,O=Netlock Kft.,L=Budapest,ST=Budapest,C=hu X509 certificate successfully verified and matches host ...
Initiating SSL handshake. Handshake successful; connected socket 3 to SSL handle 0x000055b94eb4f820 certificate: subject: issuer: CN=NL_InternalCA,O=Netlock Kft.,L=Budapest,ST=Budapest,C=hu X509 certificate successfully verified and matches host ...
Sandwich is a multi-platform, multi-language, open-source library that provides a simple unified API for developers to use (multiple) cryptographic libraries in their applications. - sandwich/testdata/etc_ssl_cert_invalid.pem at main · sandbox-quantum/s
steamdeck 客户端页面全部invalid SSL certificate error -202 status 4 我是这种情况,供同样情况的小伙伴参考 使用的是羽翼城大佬的Steamcommunity302插件 距离安装使用一年了 解决方法(可能是因为更新以后的SteamOS需要手动安装下证书) 先卸载原来的证书 sh ...