socketClient.openSocketWithURLRequest(request:Request, delegate: self as StompClientLibDelegate) Error response is Error Domain=SRWebSocketErrorDomain Code=2133 "Invalid Sec-WebSocket-Accept response" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Invalid Sec-WebSocket-Accept response} Any help is much appreciated. Thanks...
错误信息:socket连接失败:Error Domain=SRWebSocketErrorDomain Code=2133 "Invalid Sec-WebSocket-Accept response" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Invalid Sec-WebSocket-Accept response} 解决办法:在服务器地址url后添加/websocket
"sec-websocket-key":"msASkvBQxS1TvoyPrxF+iw==", "sec-websocket-protocol":"hangies"} all is well and connection is established. BUT! when using a real iphone device: { host: '', 'sec-websocket-key': '42RVDx1k7NUTiQre15hXQw==', ...
急急-Invalid Sec-WebSocket-Accept response 2018-11-282576浏览问题模块: Bug反馈框架类型 问题类型 API/组件名称 终端类型 微信版本 基础库版本 小程序 Bug wx.connectSocket 客户端 6.7.2 2.2.5 websocketUrl: "ws://" 不代理的 -- 体验版本 websocketUrl: "wss://" nginx...
计算错误:服务器在生成 Sec-WebSocket-Accept 头时,可能由于编码、哈希算法使用不当或字符串拼接错误等原因,导致生成的值与客户端期望的不一致。 版本不兼容:客户端和服务器之间的 WebSocket 版本或实现可能存在不兼容的情况,导致握手过程中某些细节处理不一致。 网络问题:在握手过程中,如果网络不稳定或存在延迟,可能...
(HttpRequestMessage httpRequestMessage, string securityHeader, string securityValue) { httpRequestMessage.Headers.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); httpRequestMessage.Headers.Add(securityHeader, securityValue); //httpRequestMessage.Headers.Add("BusinessSecKey", "Security...
2. Client will get "Error during WebSocket handshake:Incorrect 'Sec-WebSocket-Accept' header valuer" It is expected to get valid WebSocket Handshake response in case ofhandshake request got fragmented. Tested on Linux with jain-sip 1.2.210 ...
Client "Sec-WebSocket-Key" should be a valid 16 byte base64 encoded nonce. If the header is not valid, the server should reject the client. 👍 1 Emyrk requested a review from nhooyr as a code owner December 20, 2022 20:17 Member Author Emyrk commented Dec 20, 2022 @nhooyr...