解决Invalid parameter index! You seem to have declare too little query method parameters! 原因是为什么? 其实很简单 以下是我定义的Repostory接口名 发现问题没? Jpa方法名定义了两个参数,但是我只传递了一个userId,没有status。 注意:此处的Pageable不能作为参数,只是一个分页,排序对象。 所以,修改方法: 1....
<parameter> 中参数 <functionName> 的值无效:AES_CRYPTO_ERROR详细消息:<detailMessage>AES_IV_LENGTH支持16 字节 CBC IV 和 12 字节 GCM IV,但对于 <actualLength> 获得了 <mode> 字节。AES_KEY_LENGTH应为包含 16、24 或 32 个字节的二进制值,但收到的值为 <actualLength> 个字节。
"Invalid argument: parameter index 1 is out of range" My seq statement is like this: SELECT CODE, DESCRIPTION FROM SCHEMA.CTMTORG WHERE SUBLEVELFLAG=? and GEOCODE=? and my DAO class has the following statement..like this : SUBLEVELFLAG="N" pStat = connection.prepareStatement(sql); p...
jaydebeapi\__init__.py", line 523, in _set_stmt_parms prep_stmt.setObject(i + 1, parameters[i]) com.ibm.db2.jcc.am.com.ibm.db2.jcc.am.SqlSyntaxErrorException: com.ibm.db2.jcc.am.SqlSyntaxErrorException: [jcc][10145][10844][4.15.146] Invalid parameter 1: Parameter index is out of...
Power BI Mashup Parameter Power BI Report Power Pages Core Entity DS Power Pages Log Power Pages Scan Report Power Pages Site AI Feedback Power Pages Site Published powerbidatasetapdx powerbireportapdx PowerfxRule powerpagecomponent_powerpagecomponent powerpagesite_dvfilesearch PowerPagesManagedIdentit...
Parameter NameParameter Meaning GroupMappingOrigin RP type GroupMappingAddrType Group address type GrpAddr Group address in the Join/Prune message. GrpPfxLen Mask length of a group. GroupMappingRPAddrType Type of the RP address. RPAddr RP address GroupMappingPimMode Current PIM mode Inv...
Parameter NameParameter Meaning EntPhysicalIndex Entity index. EntPhysicalName Entity name. EntityType Entity type. EntityTrapFaultID Fault ID. Reason Alarm cause. Possible Causes Cause 1: The power supplied to the board is insufficient. Cause 6: The EPLD logic of the board failed. Cause 7: The...
The error message you got is because you can't index a type parameter with a union constraint like that. Specs, Index expressions: For a of type parameter type P: [...] The element types of all types in P's type set must be identical. [...] The element types of...
Parameter NameParameter Meaning EntPhysicalIndex Entity index. EntPhysicalName Entity Name EntityTrapFaultID Fault Code EntityOperStatus Alarm severity information. ReasonDsp Alarm cause Possible Causes Cause 1: Over-input-voltage occurred on the power module Cause 2: Under-input-voltage occ...