If you remove the quotes, then the text after the space is interpreted as an additional parameter, and you get the "Invalid number of parameters" error. If you keep the quotes, then it treats the quotes as part of the path, and reports it cannot find the file. ...
Error: NJS-009: invalid number of parameters at Object.assert (c:\Users\User\Desktop\web-app\project\node_modules\oracledb\lib\util.js:80:11) at Connection.execute (c:\Users\User\Desktop\web-app\project\node_modules\oracledb\lib\connection.js:128:12) at Connection.execute (c:\Users\User...
网络参数个数说明;无效的参数个数;无效参量数 网络释义 1. 参数个数说明 ... Invalid format file 无效的格式文件Invalid number of parameters参数个数说明Invalid partition table 无效的分区表 ... ccxin.bokee.com|基于52个网页 2. 无效的参数个数 ...
Invalid number of parameters for "undefined". Got 0 expected 1!,在使用truffle进行书写测试用例时报错首先本人书写一个简单合约在使用trufflemigrate时候提示标题信息最后得知是因为传参问题引起错误,一开始标红是没有书写的在当前位置填上参数再次执行trufflemigrate
Error: NJS-009: invalid number of parameters at Object.assert (/orpppmd1/ppmapp/ohs11119/nodejs/node_modules/oracledb/lib/util.js:159:11) at Connection.execute (/orpppmd1/ppmapp/ohs11119/nodejs/node_modules/oracledb/lib/connection.js:130:12) at Connection.execute (/orpppmd1/ppmapp/ohs...
I have included all named parameters in query, also took care of named parameter rule mentioned in PDO Documentation (i.e. Reusability of named parameter is not supported). Still Its giving me error, I not able to find error.$leaves = DB::...
The number of parameters entered does not match the expected number. Solution Confirm that your syntax is valid. If you're using a complex parameter that includes spaces, enclose the parameter in quotation marks to ensure that the value is not interpreted as mu...