Reason Code = Missing DLL NxCharacter.dll Error: 0x7E","readOnly":false,"editFrozen":false,"moderationData":{"__ref":"ModerationData:moderation_data:7393618"},"body":" I believe yes. I have it installed.","body@stringLength":"42","rawBody":" I believe yes. I have ...
Invalid License. Reason code + Missing DLL: [NxCharacter.dll] Error: 0x7E 8 people had this problem. 0 + XP Me too Accepted Solution #5 March 2018 Options daledaboss ★★★ Novice okay got it working when i checked windows\sysWOW64 folder the specific dll it mentioned (D3Dx9_36...
This works fine from a standalone compiled exe but when I try to use this code in a DLL it always fails at the WinHttpSendRequest call. GetLastError returns error 5023 (ERROR_INVALID_STATE). I've tested this on standalone projects with no other code but I'm baffled why I'd receive ...
GetLastError returns error 5023 (ERROR_INVALID_STATE). I've tested this on standalone projects with no other code but I'm baffled why I'd receive this error only from within a DLL. This is driving my crazy.Does anyone have any ideas why this is happening?
I bought the Sims Medieval yesterday and downloaded it. Everytime I try to play it, I receive the error message: Invalid license reason code =missing dll (d3dx9_31:dll) eror 0x7E I have tried to locate the file, cant find it. Tried to redownload direct x, but giv...
Invalid License- Missing DLL d3dx9_36.dll Error 0x7 Fixes I already attempted: 1. Redownloading the Origin app to a previous version (doesn't work, it tells me Origin doesn't have internet access, which is weird since internet functions perfectly.) ...
Please guide me through a proper way to import a COM reference dll created from compiling WIN32 API and MFC roject written in C++. I want to import this dll API reference in my Nunit testing aplication written in C# which uses .NET core 2.1. The...
The DLL COM reference is created using net framework 4.6.1. As I am new to all this programming in .Net Please guide me through a professional way to import the DLL reference in my C# console application.(NUNIT test app). Previously, when I right clicked the Csproject and then ...
Hello, I have had this problem with SPORE when trying to open it, I get this error Invalid license Error code = MISSING DLL: [d3dx9_27.dll] Error: 0xC1,I... - 10580511
Reason Code= Missing DLL:[d3dx9_31.dll] Error: 0x7E","readOnly":false,"editFrozen":false,"moderationData":{"__ref":"ModerationData:moderation_data:7632809"},"body":" I'm getting this same error on Dragon Age: Origins. I have installed the recommended drivers from the li...