4. 最后,您还可以检查系统中是否存在病毒,如果有,则需要使用杀毒软件扫描查杀。 以上就是解决绿屏的Invalid license (-1)的一些措施,希望能够帮助到您。 咨询记录 · 回答于7 分钟前 该怎么办 1. 首先,请检查系统中是否安装了绿屏运行库,如果没有安装,则需要安装它。 2. 其次,您可以通过重新安装绿屏来解决...
原因:是IDCSystem授权的IP不是当前安装IDCSystem的机器的IP导致 解决:进入授权平台将IDCSystem授权的IP改为当前IDCSystem所安装的机器IP (注意:如果安装IDCSystem的机器有2个IP,需要将2个IP也添加到授权IP上,用英文逗号隔开) 还有一种情况是有两个公网IP以上的vps,域名和vps都绑定不一样的公网IP,那这两个也要添加上...
配置许可管理器服务后,无法启动。 在debug日志文件中,显示以下错误: (adskflex) Invalid license key (inconsistent authentication code) (adskflex) ==>INCREMENT <ProductFeature> adskflex 1.000 <LicenseType> <LicenseCount> \ 或者FLEXnet版本过期。
Symptom During license activation, Info: License file format invalid is displayed. Possible Causes The file is not a license file. The license file is modified. Procedure Apply again and downloadthe license file. Upload and activate the license file....
During license activation,Info: License file format invalidis displayed. Possible Causes The file is not a license file. The license file is modified. Procedure Apply again and downloadthe license file. Upload and activate the license file. ...
Invalid license. Reason code = Missing DLL XINPUT1_3.dll Error: 0x0000007eWhat happens when the bug occurs? Game false to launchWhat do you expect to see? Invalid license. Reason code = Missing DLL XINPUT1_3.dll Error: 0x0000007e Invalid license. Reason code = Missing...
I just downloaded Dragon Age :Origins - Ultimate Edition, getting the error Invalid license. Reason Code = Missing DLL: [NxCharacter.dll] Error: 0x7E According to this forum I need to download PHSYX Drivers, I tried downloading them but they will not install saying that I already ...
Hi, I am trying to evaluate VTune 9.1, but the serial number doesn't work. I obtained the serial number through Intel's license management page and