在配置IP地址和子网掩码时,遇到“Invalid IP address or subnet mask”错误通常意味着IP地址或子网掩码的格式不正确,或者它们之间不匹配。以下是一些检查和解决问题的步骤: 确认IP地址格式是否正确: IP地址通常由四个十进制数组成,每个数在0到255之间,用点(.)分隔。例如:。 如果IP地址格式不正确,例...
配置vlan ip时,出现Invalid IP address or subnet mask! 组网及组网描述: 2023-10-30提问 举报 (0) 最佳答案 已采纳 悲剧塔 一般都是子网掩码写的不对,子网掩码限定了你前面写的IP地址,不在那个子网掩码所分割的范围。 建议:下载个子网掩码计算器 工具,自己多试一试,再搜索一下IP和子网掩码的计算方法...
问题描述: [H3C-Vlan-interface2004]ip address Invalid IP address or subnet mask! [H3C-Vlan-interface2004] 求解 这样配置掩码一直报错 组网及组网描述: 2022-04-14提问 举报 (0) 最佳答案 z6Kl9 刚好在网络位上,是网络地址,所以不可用 2022-04-14回答 ...
Invalid ip address/subnet mask I'm having trouble configuring a 100BaseT NIC card in an HP D220 server. I've been informed that the reason is because of the planned ip address of and subnet mask are invalid (violates RF 1122). Can anyone explain why ip address...
An IP address looks like this: User Action: To re-enter the IP address or subnet mask in the correct format, double-click Network under Control Panel. If the formatting is correct, then a wrong value has been entered for either the IP address or the subnet mask address. ...
the combination of ip address and subnet mask is invalid The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x00000027 The data connection could not be established: ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server error While connecting to FTP The description for Event ID 4 from source b5...
- is a network address, the first in the subnet These IP's can't be assigned to a host, as those IP's represent the network itself, or everyone in the subnet (broadcast address), this it cannot uniquely identify a host. You're going wrong with the subnets. For...
We would like you to try a peer to peer connection between the server BMC port (previously setup with an static IP address and subnet mask) and a computer or laptop also with a static IP address and subnet mask. Try to access the BMC console directly from the computer. If it...
ip地址和子网掩码 IP地址与子网掩码1、IP地址: Internet网是由不同物理网络互连而成,不同网络之间实现计算机的相互通信必须有相应的地址标识,这个地址标识称为IP地址。IP地址提供统一的地址格式即由32Bit位组成,由于二进制使用起来不方便,用户使用“点分十进制”方式表示。IP地址唯一的标识出主机所在的网络和网络中...