"invalid index-pack output" 是一个在使用 Git 进行克隆(clone)、拉取(pull)或获取(fetch)操作时可能遇到的错误信息。这个错误通常与 Git 的底层网络协议和数据传输有关,特别是在处理大型仓库或网络条件不佳时更容易出现。它指示 Git 在尝试将远程仓库的索引包(index-pack)数据解包并应用到本地仓库时遇到了问题。
首先拉去项目最后一次提交git clone --depth=1 项目地址; 拉取全部项目内容git fetch --unshallow, 一般不大的项目都可以拉取下来了; 如果步骤2还是报错fatal: fetch-pack: invalid index-pack output,那么可以进入项目目录执行git fetch --depth=100(如果还是报错那就把数字调小),执行多次每次增加一段; 例如: ...
git拉取代码的时候出现fatal: early EOFfatal: fetch-pack: invalid index-pack output 1,解决方案:git clone --depth=1 要克隆的git地址 下载最近一次提交的代码 其他分支的内容都不下载 这样整体下载体量就变小了 执行命令:git clone --depth 1https://gitlab.scm321.com/ufx/xxxx.git 【此时是仅有main分...
hi, suddenly git cloning has started failing while working on hands on lab from microsoft learn. It has run successfully earlier today. But suddenly getting the "fatal: fetch-pack: invalid index-pack output" error. Screenshot attached. I would
fetch-pack: invalid index-pack output when installing nvm using the standard curl script (specified below) or performing git fetch or git clone on various github repos using https. git clone or fetch on my own github repos using ssh works fine. These actions worked a few days ago then work...
2022-10-21 git拉取代码的时候出现fatal: early EOFfatal: fetch-pack: invalid index-pack output https://blog.csdn.net/qq_38111015/article/details/124107839 1 2 3 5
fatal: fetch-pack: invalid index-pack output 首先说解决方法: 这个问题的症状是 error: 24576 bytes of body are still expectediB + git clone下载到大于1G就报错 如果你也是这样,那恭喜你下面这个方法对症了 1.首先检查 gitlab 的nginx 反向代理配置 ...
fetch-pack: unexpected disconnect while reading sideband packet fatal: early EOF fatal: fetch-pack: invalid index-pack output 看到这个提示第一时间就想到 Git 2.33.0 的更新日志里面好像是有关于 Fetch 和 Sideband 相关的更新,于是前往更新日志发现了如下的两个信息: ...
"fetch-pack: invalid index-pack output". Only specific branches of specific repos seem to be affected. When I fetch these same branches from my local machine or the runners try to fetch from other repos, everything works fine. Even when I set up a pod using the gitlab-runner-helper ima...
After updating to 16.5.0 runner and GitLab instance we noticed a new intermittent failure during CI pipeline starts. I’m having trouble figuring out if this is something gitlab-runner related or GitLab instance related. …