Invalid Identifier 02-15-2018 05:59 PM I'm loading data by connecting to Snowflake through an OBDC connector. Certain columns that load fine in the Snowflake web portal won't load into Power BI desktop, throwing this error: DataSource.Error: ODBC: ERROR [42000] SQL compilation erro...
I have been migrating something from a netezza based SQL script into Snowflake, and part of one of my join clauses has the following lines: AND regexp_like(hist.Description, p.RegexPattern, 'i') This runs fine on Netezza, however when running within Snowflake I get the following er...
Invalid Identifier 02-15-2018 05:59 PM I'm loading data by connecting to Snowflake through an OBDC connector. Certain columns that load fine in the Snowflake web portal won't load into Power BI desktop, throwing this error: DataSource.Error: ODBC: ERROR [42000] SQL compilation erro...
Invalid Identifier 02-15-2018 05:59 PM I'm loading data by connecting to Snowflake through an OBDC connector. Certain columns that load fine in the Snowflake web portal won't load into Power BI desktop, throwing this error: DataSource.Error: ODBC: ERROR [42000] SQL compilation erro...