So recently i tried to connect my laptop (Legion 5 Pro-16ACH6H) to an external monitor in which the X-Rite Color Asisstant said "Invalid handle to LCD Device" and that it'll shut down and after that can't seem to adjust my brightness and screen resolution, i tried to disconnect...
问题描述根据联想电脑管家推荐AMD集显驱动更新后,X-Rite就出现invalid handle to LCD device错误,将驱动...
弹窗提示invalid handle to LCD device 复现步骤双击X-rite color assistant仍然弹出该提示 图片/文件 ...
I began receiving an error on startup: Invalid lcd handle - x-rite will close. I downloaded the updated driver mentioned in a previous thread. On startup I have a new error: Failure to obtain internal panel ID. I am still able to switch back and forth between...