如果你在使用类似的库时遇到invalid header错误,可能是因为文件确实损坏了,或者文件的格式不是gzip。 验证gzip文件的头部信息是否符合标准 gzip文件的头部包含了一些特定的魔数(magic number)和标志,用于标识文件的格式。如果头部信息不正确,解压工具会报错。你可以使用十六进制编辑器查看文件的头部信息,但通常更简单的方...
Error: gzip: invalid header @StrandedpirateIt appears your problem is in the way the chart is (or is not) being gzipped. Debugging the code, it doesn't fail until its actually trying to load the archive from disk saying its not a gzip. Also when I try to open the fetched chart arch...
看起来浏览器只是通过忽略错误的编码规范来绕过这个损坏的站点。浏览器实际上可以解决许多损坏的问题,这些问题并没有真正增加供应商解决这些问题的动力:(但你可以看到这curl将失败:$ curl -v --compressed http://romboutskorea.co.kr/main/index.php?...< HTTP/1.1 200 OK< ...< Content-Encoding: gzip< ...
可通过 URL 重现:romboutskorea.co.kr错误:gzip:无效的标头代码:resp, err := http.Get("http://" + url) if err == nil { defer resp.Body.Close() if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK { fmt.Printf("HTTP Response Status : %v\n", resp.StatusCode) bodyBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(...
出现:gzip: invalid header 不知是哪里出错??? ca证书无法找到Contributor xxnet commented Mar 13, 2015 请附上GoAgent状态: GoAgent日志: Author gengmu commented Mar 13, 2015 GoAgent状态: Property Value Sys Platform ...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于tar: Skipping to next header gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--format vi的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及tar: Skipping to next header gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--format vi问答内容。更多tar:
前端启动报错:Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'uap/common/components/NCUploader' in xxxxx 解决方法:从2105版本开始,部分平台的组件引用方式发生了变化,这个跟上个问题’epmp’找不到的问题基本类似。 需要把自己节点依赖的组件配置在config.json里面,同时需要确保前端工程里面复制了home\hotwebs\nccloud\...
Cloud Provider/Platform (AKS, GKE, Minikube etc.): N/A % helm template values.yaml Error: gzip: invalid header Adding--debugdoes not add any additional output. This is a user error on my part, but I am left wishing greatly for improved feedback from the tool. The error message issupe...
I am trying to decompress a message with the https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/filebeat/current/decompress-gzip-field.html but it seems that it does not work. I get error decompressing field gzip: invalid header The compression used for this field is unfortunately zlib forced by the fol...