I have configured the postman environment successfully, I am able to generate App only access token but while generating access token this is showing the subjected error! I checked credentials, client id, secret all are correct!
我正在开发我的第一个DocuSignweb服务使用者。在这一点上,我只是试图复制DocuSign的how-to页面上的令牌请求过程:https://developers.docusign.com/platform/auth/jwt/jwt-get-token)粘贴到适当的字段中,然后jwt.io创建并验证了签名。根据步骤3和YouTube视频,在Postman中,我使用grant_type=urn:ietf: ...
Please notice: maybe you will see the error in other cases like a case you change your account password.This method will help to renew your token to start running again. To get a new token just select “Grant OAuth 2.0 Permission” under the Actions column. On the next screen (Sign in...
I have a NodeJS-based OAuth2 server (usingoauth2-servermodule) started in my LAN. I want to test it with Postman REST Client but I'm getting this error response: { "code": 400, "error": "invalid_request", "error_description": "Invalid or missing grant_type parameter" ...
Calling Token API in Postman returning "error: invalid_client" Hello, I've been working on setting up an API to get data from zoho crm into a third-party application. I'm currently testing the setup in Postman, but I'm getting an error from the API to retrieve the access token...
9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 好了接下来我们使用密码模式用PostMan去测试 Authorization这里需要填写我们授权服务器里面设置的账号密码 需要填写一些必要的参数,认证模式我们写密码模式 获取了jwt生成的token和刷新令牌 把token输入进去,获取到了资源。
"grant_type":"password", "scope":"user.read+openid+profile+offline_access", "client_secret":".Dz%7Ep-S***%7EbAUqT9tK_5***g", "client_id":"e056a210-*-44f7-99ef-***a", "username":"Fnu.*%40***.com" } I am getting...