I am getting the output as Error message -> Invalid entry ? It would be helpful if someone explains what has actually happened . abap dynpro sap-selection-screens Share Copy link Improve this question Follow editedDec 26, 2020 at 10:13 ...
I Am getting the Invalid WSDL URL After Importing into Webdynpro. When I CHecked Under Wsnavigator Of Portal. i am getting below error Cannot download WSDL from https://usint.skire.com/ws/services/mainservice?wsdl: ERROR : Trying to resolve qualified base : DataHandler, but the uri resolver...
When inserting new records in the infotype tables, I get an error DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_REQUEST. The piece of code where I get this error is INSERT (dbname) FROM . I am not able to proceed further. Please advice. Regards, Vittalkesari G Reply All forum topics Previous Topic Next Topic ...