结果,不断报错——Invalid credentials for database 找了半天原因,原来是我用的MongoDB Driver的版本是1.7.0,而服务器加密,低版本的加密方式不支持。 从网站下载最新版2.4.4,死活不行,只能从csdn下来一个2.4.2,结果我的vs2005装不上,实在懒得升级vs,在python中测试了一下,三行代码,顺利搞定。 简直哭笑不得,v...
mongod --dbpath D:\mongodb\data 然后,修改system.version里authSchema的currentVersion为3,默认是5(没有创建用户的话version是null,随便创建一个用户version就出现了,这个时候创建的用户的验证方式是默认的5,所以到时候是要删除的) > use admin switched to db admin > var s= db.system.version.findOne({"_...
如果是自建 MongoDB 服务,参考链接传送门:网页链接 如果是云服务,因为你并不能直接修改 MongoDB 服务的相关配置,所以没有办法,只能升级驱动了。
2019-12-03 14:28 −目录: mongoDB角色 mongoDB初始化账号 mongoDB安全认证 其它常用的命令 mongoDB角色: mongoDB初始化账号: 1、启动mongoDB ./mongod -f mongodb.conf 2、在admin数据库中创建一个userAdminAnyDatabase角色... 被猪附身的人
My credentials have not changed, but I did switch to a new computer and migrated the gateway to the new computer using the recovery key. The data source is an excel file hosted in OneDrive. The path starts with "c:\users\username\onedrive - companyname\". To troubleshoot, I tried re-...
But when I try to login it throws an error saying credentials are wrong! [next-auth][error][OAUTH_CALLBACK_HANDLER_ERROR] https://next-auth.js.org/errors#oauth_callback_handler_error Invalid `p.account.findUnique()` invocation in Please make sure to provide valid database credentials for ...
I'm trying to connect to an online database. After the url is entered into the wizard I am prompted for the credentials to log in to the website. For
当您在使用Jupyter Notebook时遇到“invalid credentials”(无效凭证)的错误,通常意味着您提供的登录密码或令牌不正确。以下是一些基础概念以及解决此问题的步骤: ###...
Still need help? The Atlassian Community is here for you. Ask the community SharePoint Connector for Confluence As of August 22, 2016 ownership of the SharePoint Connector transferred from Atlassian to Communardo Software GmbH. Future feature development and support will...
The specified database has an incompatible key blob. errSecIncompatibleVersion The version is incompatible. errSecInputLengthError An input length error occurred. errSecInsufficientClientID The client ID is incorrect. errSecInsufficientCredentials Insufficient credentials were detected. errSecInvalidAccessCred...