MessageId: DTS_E_DATATAP_INVALIDFILENAME MessageText: The specified data tap file name is invalid.
Error Messages by Number Error Message Parameters 使用英语阅读 保存 添加到集合 添加到计划 通过 共享LinkedIn电子邮件 项目 2006/11/14 Problems were detected trying use the named database. Try opening it and runningVALIDATE DATABASEto diagnose or repair the problem....
Data environment is already unloaded (Error 1967) Data session #number cannot be released with open transaction(s) (Error 1549) Data session #number was forced to ROLLBACK all transactions to avoid deadlock (Error 1599) Data type is invalid for this property (Error 1732) Data type mismatch (...
6.262 rsInvalidVariableNameNotCLSCompliant 6.263 rsInvalidVariableNameLength 6.264 rsInvalidGroupingVariableNameNotCLSCompliant 6.265 rsInvalidGroupingVariableNameLength 6.266 rsInvalidVariableCount 6.267 rsMissingExpression 6.268 rsInvalidActionsCount 6.269 rsInvalidFixedDataBodyCellSpans 6.270 rsInvalidEmptyImageRef...
The following error is returned, where object name is the name of the table you are attempting to update: Invalid object name object name This error message occurs under the following conditions: A SQL Server stored procedure exists in one database...
The following error is returned, where object name is the name of the table you are attempting to update: Invalid object name object name This error message occurs under the following conditions: A SQL Server stored procedure exists in one database...
Error while writing to file "" for target client "USERNAME". SBL-SMI-00077: Component error, see the trace file for more information It was also reported that a similar issue could occur instead of DbXtract level, during the Database Initialization step - in detailed upgwiz.log on client...
3.2.初始化DataXceiver服务,用于接收客户端Streamer的socket请求或其他DataNode发送过来的socket请求 3.3.初始化HTTP服务 3.4.初始化DataNode的RPC服务端 3.5.DataNode向NameNode注册 3.6.向NN发送心跳 一、前言 本文主要介绍当我们启动hadoop集群时,NameNode和DataNode的启动流程。 hdfs这个组件在启动的时候会开启三个JVM实...
[UMMLOG] Aug 5,19 19:24:45 : [DACDATABASEGATEWAY]Failed Executing 2nd time normal Select Query : [select v_auth_string from aai_db_auth_alias where v_auth_user_name=?] [On URL:<Port>/<SID>] [Driver: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver] [Metadata ...
Exception retrieving data from result set. Raw java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column name at sun.jdbc.rowset.CachedRowSet.getColIdxByName( at sun.jdbc.rowset.CachedRowSet.getString( at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processActionPerform(Reque...