My code: $ovh_key=config('');$ovh_secret=config('');$endpoint='ovh-eu';if(is_null(session('consumer_key'))){$redirection="redirect_url";$rights=array( (object) ['method'=>'GET','path'=>'/me*']);// Get credentials$conn=newApi($ovh...
通讯类型 同步协议:HTTP 是一种同步协议。客户端发送请求并等待服务的响应。这与客户端代码执行无关,...
Org.Apache.Http.Authentication Assembly: Mono.Android.dll Authentication credentials required to respond to a authentication challenge are invalid C#Copy [Android.Runtime.Register("org/apache/http/auth/InvalidCredentialsException", DoNotGenerateAcw=true)]publicclassInvalidCredentialsException:Org.Apache.Http....
(token)# If there are no (valid) credentials available, let the user log in.ifnotcredsornotcreds.valid:ifcredsandcreds.expiredandcreds.refresh_token: creds.refresh(Request())else: flow = InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file('credentials.json', SCOPES) creds = flow.run_local_server(port...
InvalidCredentialsException.ThresholdType Property Reference Feedback Definition Namespace: Org.Apache.Http.Authentication Assembly: Mono.Android.dll This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. C# 複製 protected override Type ...
Msg : [ Invalid credentials ]2019-11-18 14:44:57.218104 did the login fail? if using SSPI - ensure the logged in user can login to the SSO service In the SSO log - %ProgramData%\VMware\vCenterServer\runtime\VMwareSTSService\logs\websso.log, you see entries similar to : [2019-11-...
NDES was installed using one set of credentials, but configured to use a second set of credentials. Those credentials do not have a profile configured on the SCEP server.Monday, January 5, 2015 9:23 PMThanks Amy, I'm working through the links you provided but so far I haven't found a...
访问http://localhost:8080 显示gitee登陆界面 登陆成功后出现授权页面,点击确定后 出现以下错误页面.最下面是日志 项目已上传至github 地址如下: 页面报错如下图 以下是debug 日志; 2020-05-14 12:31:26.899 DEBUG 11514 --- [ main] o.s.c.e.PropertySo...
2023-08-21 07:03:56.248361+00:00 [warning] <0.746.0> HTTP access denied: user 'admin' - invalid credentials 2023-08-21 07:04:26.218166+00:00 [warning] <0.753.0> HTTP access denied: user 'admin' - invalid credentials 2023-08-21 07:04:26.245379+00:00 [warning] <0.755.0> HTTP acc...
Getting 401 HTTP error while authenticating to Bitbucket Cloud REST APIs Authentication Error - "remote: Invalid username or password" Getting "Invalid OAuth credentials" when registering a Jira Software Cloud site in Bitbucket Data Center Unable to push changes to ...