1、先在C盘新建一个GENESIS的文件夹,也可以在其它盘,根据实际情况操作。把genesis\products\app_gen\v82c\w2k\app_gen.tgz 这个压缩包的文件COPY到新建的GENESIS文件夹内, genesis\install.bat ,2、进入下一个界面 ,3、点击SERVER开始安装,4、算号器、SN、License,在genesis\creak\目录下, 最后...
原脚本内容(编写redis一键安装部署脚本) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 /usr/bin/expect<<EOF cd/opt/redis-5.0.7/utils spawn ./install_server.sh expect"instance: [6379]"{send"\r"} expect"[/etc/redis/6379.conf]"{send"\r"} expect"[/var/log/redis_6379.log]"{send"\r"} expect"[/var/...
你这样的安装方式是要在beautifulsoup4-4文件夹下运行安装命令的,并不是在beautifulsoup4下的setup.py运行安装命令:等待一两分钟,看到下面的提示,表示安装成功:如果实在有问题,你可以直接使用 pip install beautifulsoup4 安装。不过,没记错的话,python3对beautifulsoup版本4不太支持,你可以安装版本3...
Ensure you have admin privileges when opening up the command prompt. It may be necessary to uninstall NI OPC Servers, download NI OPC Servers, and install it again if the force reinstall process fails or if the behaviour persists. Note: If your NI OPC Servers license is provided by a ...
(2).Invalid command 'WSGIDaemonProcess', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration (3).node1 polkitd[621]: Unregistered Authentication Agent for unix-process:13103:1406263 (system bus name :1.129, object path /org/freedesk ...
If you haven’t already, you will need toinstall the Azure CLI. Once downloaded, use either Command Prompt or PowerShell to enter theaz logincommand and then sign in with your account credentials. Once logged in, enter the following commands: ...
print("{} is deprecated, use {} instead.".format(name, deprecated_aliases[name]), file=sys.stderr) ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax 错误:/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.IowiJW (%install) 退出状态不好 RPM 构建错误: /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.IowiJW (%install) 退出状态不好 nick-slg 创建了缺陷 4年前 nick...
1. 无效的命令 lazaru... ... "Install selection" 安装所选" "Invalid command"无效的命令" "Invalid Compiler Filename" 无效的编译器文件名" ... fossies.org|基于70个网页 2. 无效命令 谁会li... ... /etc/sysconfig 这是系统必须的目录Invalid command无效命令ftp:connect:Connection refused 对方连接...
Otherwise,force reinstall NI OPC Servers from the command prompt. Ensure you have admin privileges when opening up the command prompt. It may be necessary touninstallNI OPC Servers,download NI OPC Servers, and install it again if the force reinstall process fails or if the behaviour persists. ...
After of install the Microsoft Build Tools, I installed mod_wsgi via pip and as I didn't get the LoadFile from the command mod_wsgi-express module-config, only ran the extra command pip install https://github.com/GrahamDumpleton/mod_wsgi/archive/develop.zip Now I only have an issue in...