command=lambdabtn=i: btn_click(btn)) button.grid(row=i, column=2, padx=5, pady=5) 原因描述: text_boxes 是一个全局变量,在创建界面的时候,for循环去创建文本框,然后用text_boxes去接收变量,但是!很关键的一个点,首先是在使用时,忘了去对对象进行一个断言,其次是在for循环里面,我是用text_boxes....
针对你遇到的 _tkinter.tclerror: invalid command name ".!entry" 错误,我们可以按照以下步骤进行排查和解决: 理解错误信息: 错误信息 _tkinter.tclerror: invalid command name ".!entry" 表示Tkinter 尝试执行一个名为 .!entry 的命令,但这个命令在当前的 Tkinter 环境中是无效的。这通常意味着相关的 Entry...
The process "Regerenate Core" can be run in tcl. You need specify the instance name correctly. However, for coregen command line usage, you can refer to Core Generator Command Line in ISE help. And here, the batch mode is not straight-forward for Tcl script either. LikeReply rbod (Membe...
Current Behavior I use “conda create” to create a env folder,and use python in the env to run code with turtle, window opened, but animation not work, when I close the window, I get this error: Steps to Reproduce import turtle import tim...
do msim_setup.tcl# bit_64# ** Error: invalid command name "top_system_tb::get_env_variables"# Error in macro ./msim_setup.tcl line 158# invalid command name "top_system_tb::get_env_variables"# while executing# "top_system_tb::get_env_variables $SIMULAT...
TclError: invalidcommandname".!canvas"Traceback (most recent call last): File"c:\repos\private\awesome-panel-lightning\.venv\lib\site-packages\bokeh\application\handlers\", line 231,inrun exec(self._code, module.__dict__) File"C:\repos\private\awesome-panel-lightning\script2....
I would like to run the .tcl script i exported from GUI wizard to generate the design without the GUI. I wrote a .tcl script which includes the line: qsys-script --script=internal_osc.tcl --package-version=16.0 When i run my script, i gen an error: invalid command name "qsys-scri...
09/11/2012 error: "invalid command name" when running a tcl script that uses tk widgets description environment description beginning with the quartus ® ii software version 2.2, you may receive this error if you use tk widgets in a tcl script, because the software does not automatically ...
Exception has occurred: TclError (note: full exception trace is shown but execution is paused at: _run_module_as_main) invalid command name ".!canvas" File "C:\Users\sterg\miniforge3\envs\baybe\Lib\tkinter\", line 1711, in _configure, cm...
The direct tk_messageBox call works fine but executing the usermessage command produces the error, invalid command name "usermessage". This script is so simple that I'm beside myself in trying to figure out what's wrong. I'm doing my first tcl program/script after reading about half of ...