因为自己想要编译VSCode源码下载了VSCode的源码用Clion打开时,发现yarn install出现了问题 提示: *** Invalid C/C++ Compiler Toolchain. Please check https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/wiki/How-to-Contribute#prerequisites. 解决方案很简单,执行以下下面这行命令就可以了 npm install --global windows-build-tool...
Error Code during yarn install "*** Invalid C/C++ Compiler Toolchain. Please check https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/wiki/How-to-Contribute#prerequisites."#143478 Closed ghost opened this issue Feb 20, 2022· 3 comments · Fixed by #143479 Comments ghost commented Feb 20, 2022 Does this...
Probably the toolchain path within the compiler options is not setup correctly?! (Do you have a compiler installed?) Goto "Settings->Compiler...->Global compiler settings->GNU GCC Compiler for ARM->Toolchain executables" and fix the compiler's setup. ...
This method is successful because the compiler automatically adds default includes and defines during compilation, which are usually silent preprocessor directives. By instructing Eclipse to obtain these preprocessor directives, its own indexer can use the same settings as the compiler. Solution 2: This ...
在Toolchain executables选项卡中,你需要指定编译器和相关工具(如C Compiler、C++ Compiler、Linker for dynamic libs等)的路径。这些路径通常指向你安装的编译器目录下的对应可执行文件,例如gcc.exe、g++.exe等。示例路径设置(假设你使用的是MinGW): text C Compiler: C:\MinGW\bin\gcc.exe C++ Compiler: C:\...
[cmake] build_type=Debug [cmake] [conf] [cmake] tools.cmake.cmaketoolchain:generator=Ninja [cmake] tools.build:compiler_executables={"c":"C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Community/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.38.33130/bin/HostX64/x64/cl.exe","cpp":"C:/Program Files/Microsoft ...
In this case, you should see something called cc1 (the actual GCC C compiler binary) invoked with the -E flag (preprocess only) to preprocess the input to a temporary file, and then as invoked on the temporary file to assemble it. Share Improve this answer Follow ...
In this case, you should see something called cc1 (the actual GCC C compiler binary) invoked with the -E flag (preprocess only) to preprocess the input to a temporary file, and then as invoked on the temporary file to assemble it. Share Improve this answer Follow answered...
这时再执行clang++ -E -x c++ - -v < /dev/null可以看到 /usr/local/include /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer.../XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/lib/clang/10.0.0/include /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains.../XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/include /A...
CMakeErroratE:/Android/Sdk/cmake/ (should be12):19.2.5345600.CallStack(most recent call first):E:/Android/Sdk/cmake/