语法:inurl:php?id=1 site:comGoogle Dork: inurl:php?id=1 site:com # Files Containing Juicy Info # Date: 11/09/2023 # Exploit Akshad Joshi更多Hacking Darks 热门推荐 "START securepay" ext:log inurl:autodiscover/autodiscover.xml inurl:app/config/ intext:parameters.yml intitle:index.of "—...
语法:inurl:product-list.php?id=# Google Dork: inurl:product-list.php?id= # Sensitive Online Shopping Info # Date:10/11/2021 # Exploit Author: Krishna Agarwal更多Hacking Darks 热门推荐 dcid= bn= pin code= site:ups.com intitle:"Ups Package tracking" intext:"1Z ### #...
inurllay_old.php?id= inurl:declaration_more.php?decl_id= inurlageid= inurl:games.php?id= inurlage.php?file= inurl:newsDetail.php?id= inurl:gallery.php?id=d= inurl:event.php?id= inurlroduct-item.php?id= inurl:sql.php?id= inurl:news_view.php?id= inurl:select_biblio...
语法:inurl:".php?id=" "You have an error in your SQL syntax"This dork allows us to find websites that are possibly vulnerable to sql injections inurl:".php?id=" "You have an error in your SQL syntax" Drok3r更多Hacking Darks 热门推荐 intitle:"index of" "stacktrace.log" site:*/...
日期:2023-01-31 类别: Files Containing Juicy Info 作者:Insha Ahsan Raj 语法:inurl index.php id= site.bd # Google Dork: inurl index.php id= site.bd # Files Containing Juicy Info # Date:31/01/2023 # Exploit Author: Insha Ahsan Raj...
语法:inurl:"/index.php?pageID=login"Login Portal: inurl:"/index.php?pageID=login" Reza Abasi(Turku)更多Hacking Darks 热门推荐 allinurl:"/main/auth/profile.php" -github -google intitle:"API Publisher- Login" Fwd: intitle:"Cloudphysician RADAR" inurl:/ ims login inurl:irc filetype:cgi ...
作者:Alperen Ergel 语法:inurl:"index.php?id=" intext:"Warning: mysql_num_rows()" Author:Alperen Ergel Date: 01/04/2020 Dork:inurl:"index.php?id=" intext:"Warning: mysql_num_rows()" Description: potential SQL errors and injection...
语法:inurl:"char.php?id=" OR intitle:Minimanager for trinity serverhttps://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/12554/更多Hacking Darks 热门推荐 intext:"© Tainos Webdesign" inurl:btg_oglas allinurl: com_quiz"tid" inurl:CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor "Powered by Leap" "Powered by Online Grades" "...
语法:site:.nic.in inurl:.php?id=# Google Dork: site:.nic.in inurl:.php?id= # Files Containing Juicy Info # Date:11/11/2021 # Exploit Author: Krishna Agarwal更多Hacking Darks 热门推荐 ext:ini intext:env.ini site:gov.* intitle:"index of" *Dokuments" site:*/log/access_log ...
2492 阅读 日期:2020-05-05 类别: Various Online Devices 作者:Abhi Chitkara 语法:inurl:/gmap.php?id= Dork: inurl:/gmap.php?id= Description: This Google dork lists out gmap config details for a drupal web-server. Author: Abhi Chitkara...