Hello I added win32 app and am trying to assign it for unenrolled devices in Intune, but the option is only visible for web apps for example, any suggestions no i dont wanna push it directly from intune , what i want is to add these apps to the company portal and ...
Win32 應用程式不包含在 Intune Data Warehouse 中。展開資料表 屬性描述 appTypeID 型別的標識碼 appTypeKey 金鑰的 Surrogate 索引鍵 appTypeName 應用程式類型範例展開資料表 AppTypeID名稱描述 0 Android 市集應用程式 Android 市集應用程式。 1 Android LOB 應用程式 Android 企業營運應用程式。 2 受控Android...
[Win32App] Getting ESP tracking win32AppPolicy for user: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 IntuneManagementExtension 20/08/2021 10:52:36 5 (0x0005) [Win32App] Found ESP tracking app cbd47788-ca9b-46a4-8a9d-a03984440c38 added for EspPhase: DeviceSetup with node: .//Vendor/MSF...
App install may force a device restart: Choose this option to allow the app installation to finish without suppressing restarts. This option means that the Win32 app installation is allowed to complete without suppressing restarts. With this configuration, a hard reboot return code will notify the ...
For related information about the Intune Management Extension agent or Win32 apps, see Win32 app management in Microsoft Intune.For related information, see Sync enrolled device for Windows and Check device access in Company Portal for Windows....
OEM-installed apps (store and Win32 apps) User profile User data outside of the user profile User autologon TheWipe device, and continue to wipe even if device loses poweroption makes sure that the wipe action can't be circumvented by turning off the device. This option keeps trying to...
Here is a Powershell script that we used to validate custom Intune win32 app requirements. The script will simply check whether D: drive is a local disk or not. The script will write the output to STDOUT. The requirements configured above will check if the returned value is “LocalDisk”...
Once the app “Detection rule” evaluation is completed, the next step is “Check Applicability.” Checks were performed against the rules weconfiguredbefore. [Win32App] applicationRequirementMetadata RequiredOSArchitecture: 2, client Is64BitOperatingSystem: True, applicability: Applicable. ...
You can deploy those apps to your managed devices all from within Microsoft Intune. This feature will include support for all the new (and existing)app typescoming to the latest Microsoft Store, including Win32, .NET, Universal Windows Platform (UWP), and Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). ...
MDM policy:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/configuration/lock-down-windows-10-to-specific-apps#mdm-policy Find AUMID:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/customize/enterprise/find-the-application-user-model-id-of-an-installed-app ...