Well, an .exe app can't just be uploaded to the Intune portal and then deployed. Before we even get started with Intune, we need to figure out how to install and uninstall the Win32 app. This means we need a machine (identical to the machines you manage with Intune) to perform...
Install command duo-win-login-4.3.1.exe /S /V” /qn IKEY=”***” SKEY=”***” HOST=”***.com” AUTOPUSH=”#1″ FAILOPEN=”#1″ RDPONLY=”#0″" Uninstall command duo-win-login-4.3.1.exe /x /s /v/qn Installation time required (mins) 60 Allow available uninstall Yes I...
The Win32 app installation fails with error 0x80070002 if you have specified the wrong install command or incorrect uninstall command for the Win32 app. To resolve the Win32 error 0x80070002, edit the Win32 app in Intune, and under theApp properties, enter the correct install/uninstall comman...
Supersedence, which enables you to update and replace a version of a Win32 app, doesn't currently allow you to interchange the Win32 app with an app dependency. For more information about app dependencies, seeDependencies. Supersedence relationships can be created when adding or modifying a Win...
Intune Application Deployment using MSI EXE IntuneWin Formats – Fig.8 On theProgrampage, configure the app installation and removal commands for the app. Install command:Add the complete installation command line to install. For Example, Install.cmd (Contains the installation command for Adobe) ...
Before the Win32 app can be deployed with Intune, it must be prepped. The following chart illustrates the steps for preparing the app.The Win32 Content Prep Tool (IntuneWinAppUtil.exe) is a command line tool used to compress the Win32 app into a .intunewin file. The folder, install ...
For example, you can create a PowerShell script that installs a legacy Win32 app on your Windows devices, upload the script to Intune, assign the script to a Microsoft Entra group, and run the script on Windows devices. You can then monitor the run status of the script on ...
You can use Microsoft Intune to deploy and run critical Win32 applications, and Windows components that are normally blocked in S mode, on your Intune-managed Windows 10 in S mode devices. For example, PowerShell.exe.With Intune, you can configure managed S mode device...
Do I need to leave the .msi or the .exe file in the folder with the resources and packages folder when running the Win 32 app to build the intune win32? I am testing Intune as we are moving away from Workspace One, for Workspace One, I had to upload the whole zip...
Do I need to leave the .msi or the .exe file in the folder with the resources and packages folder when running the Win 32 app to build the intune win32? I am testing Intune as we are moving away from Workspace One, for Workspace One, I had to upload the whol...