Select Launch Google to connect now to open the managed Google Play website. The website opens on a new tab in your browser. On the Google sign-in page, confirm that the prefilled Microsoft Entra account is the account you want to associate with all Android Enterprise management tasks for...
Under Prerequisites, choose Managed Google Play. If you're using a custom Intune admin role, access to this option requires organization read and update permissions. Select I agree to grant Microsoft permission to send user and device information to Google. Select Launch Google to connect now to...
直接在 Microsoft Intune 管理中心添加托管 Google Play 应用商店应用 登录到Microsoft Intune 管理中心。 选择“应用>所有应用>创建”。 在“选择应用类型”窗格的可用“应用商店应用类型”下,选择“托管的 Google Play 应用”。 单击“选择”。 将显示托管的 Google Play应用商店。
SelectLaunch Google to connect nowto open the managed Google Play website. The website opens on a new tab in your browser. On the Google sign-in page, confirm that the prefilled Microsoft Entra account is the account you want to associate with all Android Enterprise management tasks for thi...
Managed Google Play and Microsoft Intune both provide valuable device and app management capabilities, and integration between the two enables IT administrators to manage enterprise endpoints more easily. Managed Google Play, which is part of theAndroid Enterprise suite of applications, is a tool that...
OIManaged Google Play not working for Intune client After setting app and enrolling Android device process, my client is stuck on this in chrome browser: 3. 专用设备 适用于企业拥有的设备,设备会以“企业设备”注册到Intune; 不使用用户账户注册,不会关联用户账户,这些设备不适用于个人使用的应用程序或在用户特定的帐户数据方面有很高要求的应用,如 Outlook 或...
Would the app that is pushed using the AppCenter api to the InTune store, automatically get deployed to Managed Google Play Store, when using Enterprise Android deployment model? Are there any settings in InTune that would help with this?
After setting app and enrolling Android device process, my client is stuck on this in chrome browser: What I'm missing?
portal (Figure 1). After the information syncs from the Managed Google Play store to Microsoft Intune, IT can deploy the app or apps to its users. To use the Managed Google Play store, however, Intune admins must set up a connectionbetween Microsoft Intune and the Managed Google Play ...