Powershell:Copy-Item -Path "Autodesk\*" -Destination "C:\Autodesk\" -Recurse -forcetaskkill /im DesktopConnector.Applications.Tray.exe /fcmd.exe /c ""C:\Autodesk\Autodesk_Desktop_Connector_16_7_1_2164_Win_64bit\Setup.exe" -i install --silent"In intune your installation line will loo...
Install command:Add the complete installation command line to install. For Example, Install.cmd (Contains the installation command for Adobe) Uninstall command: Add the complete command line to uninstall. For Example,Uninstall.cmd(Contains the uninstallation command for Adobe file) Install behaviour: ...
my current install command is just install.cmd. How am i now going to make it "Install Command:cmd.exe /c VisualStudioSetup.exe --config "%CD%\2022.vsconfig" --downloadThenInstall --quiet --wait" ? Do I need to create a new install.intunewin file or can I use the one i create...
Install Command: cmd.exe /c VisualStudioSetup.exe --config “%CD%\ssconfig.vsconfig” --downloadThenInstall --quiet --wait Uninstall Command:“C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\setup.exe” /uninstall /quiet In an ideal situation I would like the components...
Hi all, I am attempting to install the Loom application silently, and I’ve successfully achieved this locally using a CMD or PowerShell script with the following command: .\Loom.exe -DeploymentType 'Install' -DeployMode 'NonInteractive' This works…
Thanks you for the reply, here is the script i am using noe, might not be the best but it works if you run it on the machine self, but not trough Intune $sourceFolderPath = " # Specify the network path to the shared folder ...
If you are experiencing issues that affect Microsoft Entra hybrid join for managed domains or federated domains, refer to the following troubleshooting guides:Troubleshooting Microsoft Entra hybrid joined devices Troubleshooting devices using the dsregcmd command...
Cant logon to NDES server to obtain challenge after install NDES Connector for Intune Change or Add MDM Authority (O365/Intune) Changing Theme through Intune Check device settings fails Chrome ADMX homepage location Client Apps Work Load Missing - Intune Co-Manage with SCCM 1902 command prompt...
Hello everyone, We are trying to install Intel_GFX101.4953 in silent mode via MS Intune. We tried cmd and also PS scripts, packaged in a win32-app.
Go toStart>Run, and then enterCmdto open a command prompt. Entercertutil -ca.cert ca_name.certo export the root certificate as a file namedca_name.cer. Configure certificate templates on the CA Sign in to your Enterprise CA with an account that has administrative privileges. ...