在此情況下,執行下列命令來強制更新組策略設定: gpupdate /force 如果問題持續發生,請在 Active Directory 中執行其他疑難解答。
若要解决此问题,请从 MDM 取消注册设备。 存在组策略问题。 在这种情况下,请运行以下命令来强制更新组策略设置: gpupdate /force 如果问题仍然存在,请对 Active Directory 执行其他故障排除。
Windows 无法在 Microsoft Entra 混合联接设备上应用 MDM 策略设置 本文讨论Windows 无法应用在 Microsoft Intune 中注册的 Windows 设备上运行gpupdate /force命令时出现的 MDM 策略设置错误消息。 现象 在Intune 中注册的 Microsoft Entra 混合联接的 Windows 设备上运行以下命令gpupdate /force时,会收到以下警告消息...
1. Where do we go and assign the profiles (Is it configuration profile that needs to be applied to the device) and where has it moved? 2. When I go to see the device in Azure... Hi Jannik, First thanks for the input you provided. I created a deployment profile (For Test) ...
Create aniOS/iPadOS device features configuration profile. Note These settings apply to different enrollment types, with some settings applying to all enrollment options. For more information on the different enrollment types, go toiOS/iPadOS enrollment. ...
We have seen how to block users from installing the latest OS updates in the above. Now let’s see how we can force users to install a particular version of iOS/iPad. To push the OS version, we need to create “Update policies for iOS/iPadOS” Let’s see below the steps to create...
Run Start-DscConfiguration -Path -wait -Verbose -force Deployment of deployment fails, on IntuneDeviceConfigurationAdministrativeTemplatePolicyWindows10 resources with message: Cannot bind argument to parameter 'ReferenceObject' because it is null. The policy is created in the target tenancy, but no se...
Even in case the complete hardware is stolen, the device might reach the platform configuration state to boot up, but only until the normal Windows logon. At this point in time the attacker needs to overcome the Windows logon which is protected from brute force attacks by slowing down l...
The biggest change in how 1909 is released is in the unmanaged personal computer experience. If your computer is not behind Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) or System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) and thus is managed by Windows Update, the 1909 update will be offered when you check...