点击“显示恢复密钥”。 选择此选项会在“KeyManagement”活动下生成审核日志条目。 如果项在 Microsoft Entra 中可用,则以下信息可用: BitLocker 密钥 ID BitLocker 恢复密钥 驱动器类型 如果项不在 Microsoft Entra 中,Intune 将显示“找不到此设备的 BitLocker 密钥”。
BitLocker MDM 原則重新整理排程工作會在將 BitLocker 原則設定複寫至完整磁碟區加密的裝置上執行, (FVE) 登錄機碼。 BitLocker 加密是在磁碟驅動器上起始。加密報告會顯示 Intune 中每個目標裝置的加密狀態詳細數據。 如需如何使用此資訊進行疑難解答的詳細指引,請參閱使用 Intune 加密報告對 BitLocker 進行疑...
I set up a Device Configuration policy to deploy Bitlocker on all our Windows devices, and this was done quite some time ago. Now I created a powershell script to audit if the bitlocker keys are in AzureAD and Intune, and found out that around 500 out of 2000 devices do not ha...
然后在 Windows 搜索框中输入任务计划程序,然后选择“任务计划程序>”Microsoft>Windows>BitLocker。 右键单击 BitLocker MDM 策略“刷新”,然后选择“ 运行”。 运行完成后,检查 “上次运行结果 ”列是否有任何错误代码,并检查任务计划事件日志中是否存在错误。 在上面的示例中,0x0已成功运行。 错误0x41303这意味着该...
Hi,I'm analyzing here some issues with our Bitlocker implementation and recovery keys. We've found some devices that don't have recovery keys.While doing...
✅ Intune Bitlocker Key Unable to saved on Intune:We enabled the BitLocker policy and we are encrypting the device. the device getting encrypted but unable to save the Encryption recovery Key on...
The Microsoft Intune Exchange Connector experienced an error: CertEnroll::CX509PrivateKey::Create: The system cannot find the file specified. 0x80070002 (WIN32: 2 ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND Error code: 0x000000b 如果用于登录 Intune 的帐户不是 Intune 全局管理员帐户,则可能会出现此问题。
✅ Is there a way to copy bitlocker keys to intune and on prem AD?:Hello, I keep bitlocker recovery keys in intune but I would just like to keep them on on premises AD also. Is there such a possibility even for laptops...
Choose how BitLocker-protected operating system drives can be recovered:This is a control to allow you to recover OS Drives in the absence of the startup key. Configure pre-boot recovery message and URL:This will allow you to create a message or URL that is shown on BitLocker recovery scree...
This allows us to see if features like BitLocker encryption or security restrictions are truly active, providing greater confidence in our device security posture. In essence, Intune offers a significant improvement in terms of device visibility and configuration management. Intune's device compliance ...