Error downloading content. (0x87D30068) The content delivery network isused for downloading application content timed out. (0x87D3006A) The physical resources of this disk have been exhausted (0x8007013A) Integrity Check and Unzip the package Post download, the file is moved to the pathC:\P...
removed and won't be included as part of "All devices" However, This won't stop new devices enrolling into Intune downloading Samsung Calendar as we've still got the "All devices" option under Required and we don't want to keep putting new devices into the removal group. I...
Block download of explicit sexual content in Apple Books:Yesprevents users from downloading media from the iBook store that's tagged as erotica. When set toNot configured(default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. By default, the OS might allow users to download books with the ...
Link either IntuneMAMSwift.xcframework or IntuneMAMStatic.xcframework to your target: Drag the xcframework bundle to the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content list of the project target. Repeat these steps for IntuneMAMSwiftStub.xcframework. For your main app, select "Embed & Sign" in ...
Block playback of explicit music, podcast, and iTunes U: Yes prevents explicit iTunes music, podcast, or news content. When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. By default, the OS might allow the device to access content rated as adult from the...
Block printing from browserBlock users from printing browser content. Block First Run pageBlock users from seeing the First Run page. Microsoft Edge First Run page appears when a user opens Microsoft Edge for the first time and after browser updates. ...
Content cache miss for app id 86995d21-f2ed-4e2c-a88e-1ef5f65d02e3, start downloading… Intune Win32 App Issues Troubleshooting Client-Side Process Flow – Fig.7 The IntuneCDN URLis used to download the file if yoususpectany download issue due to network proxy. You can copy the URL ...
[StatusService] Downloading app (id = c4f2dbc3-c5fb-4ef7-84ee-0cc3969f96a3, name Adobe Reader Pro) via DO, bytes 1095500992/1095500992 for user 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 The content of the Win32 app is extracted or unzipped and then placed in the IMECache folder for installati...
Members registering their device for Slack for Intune may experience an error message, a stuck loading page or an app crash.To address these issues, have an Intune or Azure admin confirm the following configurations on the Microsoft side: ...