Device is showing as non-compliant, when we click on the device-->Device Compliance, it shows multiple users on the same device, some showing compliant and some showing Not Compliant.Question: How the device compliance is decided when multiple users sign-in on a device?Thanks SM...
Once it was not compliant in InTune, I removed that policy from it and waited for Intune to mark it as compliant, at that point Azure also updated correctly. This method takes ages as we need to wait for the device to Sync with Intune a couple of times, on my test...
The internet connection is up and working just fine. Intune even shows that is is checking in with the device. I have tried to force the sync from the device, and if I update the web console it shows that it had just checked in. However, it is still not showing compliant. I have ...
You have a Windows 10 device that has BitLocker Drive Encryption enabled. The device is enrolled in Microsoft Intune. You set device compliance policies to require device encryption.In this scenario, the Windows 10 device displays a status of Not compliant....
Microsoft Intune may show the studio x as not compliant device. Teams Android-based devices managed in Intune via Android Device Administrator (DA) management. These devices treated no differently than an average Android smartphone from the management and compliance perspective. Because Teams Android-...
All in all I would recommend to monitor the factor for not being compliant, following: Then try to sync the machine manually:
NotApplicable 2 Compliant 3 InGracePeriod 4 不符合規範 5 錯誤 6當裝置有多個合規性原則時,則會將所有原則的最高嚴重性層級指派給該裝置。例如,裝置有三個指派的合規性原則:一個未知狀態 (嚴重性 = 1) 、一個相容狀態 (嚴重性 = 3) ,另一個 InGracePeriod 狀態 (嚴重性 = 4) 。 InGracePeriod 狀...
✅ Intune Bitlocker Key Unable to saved on Intune:We enabled the BitLocker policy and we are encrypting the device. the device getting encrypted but unable to save the Encryption recovery Key on...
if(-not($Status.Responding -eq ‘True’)) { Write-Output 1 Exit 0 } This process is still running when Autopilot is finished but after a reboot the process is not running anymore, and the Set BitLocker PIN app is executed. To get the device compliant (BItLocker) the device requires...
Why is my device showing as not compliant with the Intune Windows Compliance Policy for...: I’m currently experiencing issues with the Intune Windows Compliance Policy, specifically regarding BitLocker. My device is showing as not compliant and I’m receiving an error related to data storage ...